Help! Thick layer of mold found on top of house plant soil

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

A few days ago I found a thick layer of mold that was cream colored with a tinge of yellow. I grabbed some sulfur I had and put a nice coating all over the mold and the soil and then mixed it in. Looking back, I should have taken all of the mold off before applying anything. Any advice? Also, I have to say I really hate the smell of sulfur and this houseplant is a 6 ft Monstera deliciosa (split-leap philodendron is common name) so had to use quite a lot of it.

(Zone 7b)

When I have had this, I just take the plant out, shake as much soil off as possible, if the plant is fairly tough, I will even wash the soil off the roots, then disinfect the pot with bleach water, and use new dirt - I've only ever noticed it shortly after repotting a plant, so think maybe the soil wasn't as sterilised as it claimed to be? I haven't noticed any bad effects from this, and haven't had it re-occur, but am completely ignorant as to what it is...hope this is of some help.

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

Yes, repot ito a lighter mix potting soil. Sounds like the soil is too heavy and staying way too wet. Some extra perlite in the potting soil should work.

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