You all have got to see this!

Fascinating, absolutely fascinating.

If you do not already have Quick Time, you will need to download it from somewhere to view this little video. Sorry about that. It is one of the bizarrest most mesmerizing little horticultural clips you will ever see in your life though and well worth adding Quick Time if you don't already have it.

That is really bizaare! Who made this? What do you know about it? It's fascinating to see what they've done. Sort of a combination of science and science fiction.

I have absolutely no idea who made this and I know nothing about it other than that I have watched it a few times and it's pretty wild. I'm glas somebody like it. Did you see that Venus Fly Trap? Really strange.

It was awesome! At first I wasn't sure if they were showing actual plants. It was so cleverly done, it took me awhile to catch on to what they were doing. They gave the plants an alien, other-worldly yet intelligent feel to them. It was as if they were creatures with brains rather than plants. I really liked it! Thanks for posting the link!

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

Looks like a botanist computer whiz spent a little time studying coral reef biology. What a marvelous clip! Thank you for sharing that discovery, it's really great. Let's just hope genetic modification of plants doesn't get quite that

thanks again Equilibrium,

don - you are so right! Yes, I, too thought that some of the animation looked like gooseneck barnacles opening up. It's a great clip!

I loved it, my son loved it, my daughters don't let on they love it, and my wife watches it whenever we peer at the clip. I downloaded it, all 40 some megs on a dialup...took me 4 hours! LOL

Now I sincerely ask, just how did you discover this video gem, Equilibrium??

My fave was the barnacles all snapping in time, with the eye spot inside peering out atcha. Daniel liked the brittle star-like critters.


It was sent to me in an e-mail from a wetlands friend. I had the title so I went out on the web and found the link to the video so I could post it here. Sorry about the 4 hour download time. Oddly enough, it timed out being downloaded into my e-mail client. I had to go to the server to see what the heck was being sent that clogged up my e-mail. Very rarely does my e-mail get clogged but this video did it. It took me a bit to download it too. I think about 5 minutes but then my broadband was working well otherwise it might have taken a lot longer.

I loved those eye spots peering out too.

If you backspace over the URL to the main part of the web address, you will go to the main page for the outfit that produced this animation. They have some other cool products to look at. Thanks again, we in my family thank you...we like weird, the weirder the better. LOL

My family is into gross these days but weird will definitely suffice if they can't get gross.

Dang, they got rid of this video in place of something else. (pout)

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

"Not found"

I know...I saved the video but it is on a computer that is near death and can't retrieve it right now.

Jamshedpur, India(Zone 10a)

Hi! I want to buy a venus fly trapper for my garden .Ready to also pay for the postage pl LMK if any one can help me.
I have alot of intresting plants for trade also.

Gerris2- I had that video saved to a computer that did die. Any chance you were able to retrieve that video? If you were able to retrieve it, I'd love to have it sent to me.

West Palm Beach, FL

Goto scroll the left hand column and click "sixes last". I think this is what you are looking for?

That's it, Patphish! You saved the day!


That's it! A friend tried to send it to me but it was a 20MB file and evidently he was able to send it to me but my ISP couldn't accept a file that size. I was so depressed. I did find it under YouTube listed as 'Sixes Last' but it was a considerably lower resolution than the original. Same content, just not as high quality.

I've got it saved now at the higher resolution video. It opens with Real Player.

How did you go about saving it, E?

Umm, I didn't. Kids saved it for me from Firefox by installing an add-on they found. I believe the add on was called DownloadHelper.

Do I get credit for recognizing the file extension so I could associate it with RealPlayer? I did do that on my own ;)

West Palm Beach, FL

Very cool, glad I could help. Yesterday was my first day as a member. I just started building a rain forest in my yard.

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