unripe baby melons (cantaloupe) - any uses?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I had a first frost over the weekend that took out my melon vines. I have about 5 cantaloupes around the size of small grapefruits or large oranges. Does anybody know anything to do with these? Like maybe a pickle or something? Seems a shame to just throw them in the compost heap.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Pickles and preserves have been made from partially ripe melons, but stomp green I don't know. The vine peach/Mango melon was used exclusivly for preserves. My mother used to grow them, but I never acquired a taste for cantaloupe preserves.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yes, so far everything I've seen in the way of recipes has used "slightly under-ripe" melons, not the little ones that aren't even mature size yet. I guess I should just compost them. Or use them as dog toys in the yard until they get chewed on!

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