Monkey Tail Tree

Mississauga, ON(Zone 6a)

Does anyone have any info on Monkey Tail Tree? While in British Columbia recently I saw several of these trees that are particular to the Pacific Northwest I believe.
I'd love to grow one in my Ontario garden, but Monkey Tail may not be hardy in my zone & I've never seen it here.
Has anyone seen it available at a Southern Ontario nursery & if so, where?
It's a great tree, a slow grower & just so unique & humerous as the branches resemble monkey tails. I believe it's of the pine family.
It would be a fantastic & unusual addition to my garden.

Thumbnail by SunshineSue
Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Hi SunshineSue,

I can tell you tons about the Monkey Puzzle Tree (Araucaria araucana). People either love it or hate it. It was discovered in a salad by Archibald Menzies, naturalist on Captain George Vancouver's ship on a return to England in Chile. The tree grows mostly in the mountains with some coastal populations in Chile and Argentina(mtn only). There are no Monkies in its native haunts but was overheard at a dedication dinner that it would "puzzle any monkey to climb it". There is an episode of "The Ghost and Mrs Muir" called "Monkey Puzzle Tree" where Mrs. Muir threatens to cut the tree down. The ghost doesn't like that. When I was a kid the tradition in Vancouver was to yell "Monkey Puzzle Tree" and pinch the person next to you in the car, simular to "punch buggy".

They don't like heat/hot conditions, prefer constant moisture but not waterlogging. They enjoy humidity and despise dry air. Once established they should not be root disturbed. Moving a larger tree is very difficult as the leaves are sharp. In your area I'd situation the tree in the coolest, most humid location and protect in winter from sharp frost, snow, dry dessicating winds. It can be done.

Earlier this year I harvested seed which took taking a pole and knocking the cones, which are oversized softball to football size, until they broke apart to the grass. This year I'm looking for a telephone truck to rent. A few years ago a wildfire devestated a large area of native Araucaria in Chile. The species has been upgraded to CITES I so international trade in the species is very difficult. The seed are fairly large with a "squirrels tail" on them, bright burnt orange and full of meat.

I have a few 2 1/2" pots of Monkey Puzzle Tree that I was going to put on eBay. I'm under "Treestart" so check it out in a few days. These can be grown indoors as long as you treat them like you would a Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterphylla) with extra humidity, evenly moist and strong indirect light. The plants I have should be in 1 gallon pots anyways. Ask me anything you want on them - they've always been a passion of mine.

Thumbnail by growin
Mississauga, ON(Zone 6a)

Hi Growin....Thanks so much for your response. First let me say that my husband & I really enjoyed our first visit to BC, loved Vancouver & all we saw. We very much liked White Rock just south of Surrey. Our son, his wife & their little boy live in Fraser Heights, Surrey & it was just terrific to see them.
Secondly, I'm envious of that zone you have there!!! You're so lucky to be able to garden nearly year round.
I sure will check you out on eBay as I'd really like to try to grow a Monkey Tail Tree.
Here's a pic of all of us at Stanley Park!
Thanks & happy gardening!!

Thumbnail by SunshineSue
Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Hi SunshineSue,

That's great to hear you had a wonderful visit. My otherhalf insists we go to White Rock atleast once a year for a barbi-on-the-beach. Funny you say you are envious of my zone as I spent a few hours this weekend looking for a warmer Canadian Zone to move to (9a). The climate here has it's good and bad. 5 months of constant rain and "gloom" is depressing. If you get the Monkey Puzzle Tree, ensure it gets cool temps (10-15 C) and minimal frost with moist air. I have seen the tree in zone 6 and 7 with protection from dry/wind. It would make a fine houseplant for now as long as you remember it hates hot/dry. I see you went to Stanley Park - at the entrance to the Lion's Gate Bridge there were 2 Monkey Puzzle Trees. Then they decided to repave one side and ruined the roots. The one died. Happy Monkey Puzzle Tree growing!

Thumbnail by growin
Oregon City, OR(Zone 8b)

Yes, I love the Araucaria Araucana trees also! I'm sorry to tell you that they are only hardy down to minimum zone 7. Also..for some reason they prefer the Pacific NW over the east coast or southern climates, zone notwithstanding.

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