Trade! My List!

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Please see next post!!!

Thumbnail by daisyruffles
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

The previous picture is, from the left, 'French Doll', 'Frizzy Lizzy', & 'Fire Magic'.

I am going to list the dahlias that be available for trading. I am going to keep track of the trades here on the next post (#3) so people can see what is going on.

I plan on digging my tubers in November. I would like to trade after then. I do not have room to store the tubers.

So if anyone out there in DG is interested in trading with me, just let me know here!!!

Now, I want people to understand a few things tho. I usually overwinter my dahlias in the ground in raised beds. They do just fine there. I have dug tubers in the past and they have done fine too (almost too good!). I am digging up several raised beds due to re-designing the beds, I hope, by color, type, maturity, size, etc.

The tubers that will be listed in the next post are the ones I hope to have. I CANNOT GUARENTEE on how many tubers each dahlia will have, so I want to make that perfectly clear!

I will honor 1st come, 1st serve. And hope even these people I hope will understand that accidents happen. I DO NOT want anyone to be UPSET if something happens to the tuber they want and can't get later from me! I also want to make it clear that I will try to send good tubers with good eyes but again, no guarantee!
I have planted perfectly good tubers with good eyes and then they either don't grow or come up very late.
I don't mean to sound grouchy here but I want people to understand Mother Nature and Humans! Both make mistakes at times.

But in return for dahlia tubers, I would like different other dahlia tubers if possible, with good eyes too. My favorite types of dahlias are the waterlily ones.
I will maybe trade for like fragrant perennial plants. This will be up to my discretion, size in my garden, and desires.

To see pictures of my dahlias, you will need to go to the thread on the Dahlia Forum, Carol's Dahlias! and Part 2-Carol's Dahlias.

Please post here if you want to TRADE!

This message was edited Oct 8, 2005 6:00 PM

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

My Dahlia List!!!

The name of dahlia & Who wants it!

– Marie Schnugg - (have dug-1 clump) - for DrDon
– Prime Minister (have dug-2 clumps)-Keyi
– Snowbound-(have dug-1 clump)Grannymarsh, Keyi
– Hee Haugh (have dug-4 huge clumps)- N2HO, Sjms
– Ryn Fou (can't find in the ground) -Keyi
– Croydon Classic (or Masterpiece) (have dug-1 clump) - Keyi
– Purple Taiheijo (have dug-3 clumps) - Keyi
– Rothsay Superb - (have dug-1 clump)
– Kasasagi (have dug-1 clump) - Keyi
– Brian Ray (have dug-1 clump) - Keyi
– Fanny Ann - (have dug-1 clump) - Keyi
– Park Princess (have dug-2 clumps) - Keyi
– Papageno (have dug-1 clump) - N2HO, JanetS, Keyi
– Winter Ice (have dug-1 clump) - JoleneS, Keyi
– Emory Paul (have dug-1 clump) - Julie88, N2HO, JanetS, Keyi
-- pink pompom (unamed)(have dug-1 clump) - Keyi
-- Buffie G. (have dug-3 clumps) - N2HO, Sjms, Keyi
-- Summer End (veg. gard.) (have dug-1 clump)- N2HO, Keyi
-- Who Dun It (veg. gard.) (have dug-1 clump)- JoleneS, Keyi
-- Ali Oop (veg. gar.) (have dug-1 clump) - MaryE, Sjms, Keyi
-- Playboy-big yellow dinnerplate one (have dug-3 clumps)-Grannymarsh
-- Red Garnet - (have dug-1 clump)
-- Lauren Michele - (have dug-2 clumps)
-- Western Gal - (have dug-1 clump)
-- Big lavender one - (have dug-3 clumps)
-- Rip City - (have dug-1 clump)
-- Smarty Pants - (have dug- 1 clump)
-- Magical Dun -(have dug- 1 clump)
-- Raz-Ma-Taz - (have dug-1 clump)
-- Jenny - (have dug-1 clump)
-- Pooh - (have dug-1 clump)
-- Crazy Legs - (have dug-1 clump)
-- Hissy Fritz - (have dug-1 clump)
-- a purple & white one - (have dug-2 clumps)
-- Patricia - (have dug- 2 clump)
– different border/seed dahlias (orange, red/orange, etc.)- (have dug-few clumps)
– maybe some dark foliage dahlias (white, orange, red/orange, etc) (have dug-few clumps)
-- Wayne's 1st - (have dug-1 clump)
-- Karma Lagoon - (have dug-1 clump)
-- Blackie (have dug-1 clump)
-- Big yellow dinnerplate- not sure on name but blooms are huge (have dug-2 huge clumps)
-- Cherry Drop - (have dug-1 clump)
-- a peach pom-pom - (have dug-1 clump)
-- White Fawn - (have dug-1 clump)

I did not dig Fire Magic or Thomas Edison, sorry all. Just didn't have time. With 66 tuber clumps that I dug the past 2 weekends, I am worn out.

Molly wants tubers
Candy, Grannymarsh wants Fire Magic if dug.
Granny wants some tubers-trade/postage
Sjms wants some tubers
Keyi wants some too.
Nap wants some too.
Charlotteda wants Thomas Edison if dug.
Sarv48 wants tubers for postage.
pins2006-wants some dahlia clumps
veeja3-wants some dahlia clumps
carrielamont-wants Fire Magic if dug, Ruthie G (Buffie G.?), Park Princess
Ernie wants tubers
TexasLou wants tubers-already sent money
Kooger want tubers to trade for peruvian lily seeds
Heavinscent wants tubers


This message was edited Oct 8, 2005 3:28 PM

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Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Carol,

I am interested in
Hee Haugh
Emory Paul

and if these are available (I think you had mentioned them for trading in some previous threads)
Buffie G
Summer's End

The dahlias I have available (assuming they have been busy making lots of tubers all summer) are:

Chilson's Pride
Elizabeth Hammet
Fire Magic
Ginger Willow
Hillcrest Kismet
Honey Dew
Kenora Majestic
Master David
Myrtle's Folly
Park Princess (lots!)
Ruthie G
White Nettie

I also will have plants for trade in spring (toadlilies, Japanese anemones, asters, campanulas, thalictrums, blackberry lily, candlebra primrose, etc. or can do postage.

My Ruthie G looks different than the picture you posted - more like a waterlily.....?

Thumbnail by NoH2O
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi, Candy,
Yes, I know my 'Ruthie G.' isn't right. That is what someone gave me and it isn't named right so will have to figure out what it is.
Your 'Ruthie G.' is very pretty. Waterlilies are my favorite dahlia type so.... Think about that one for trading with me. I will do some research on the ones you list you have to trade to let you know what I am interested in too.
I will put your name on the list for the ones you mention.
I am going to be editing my main list so keep looking at it.
Thanks for looking.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I can post pictures to match my cultivars but they will be pictures I took off the internet - not my own photos. Do you think that would be okay as long as I acknowledge that? It would save people a lot of time at least as far as seeing what the cultivar looks like.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Candy, Yes, as long as you say where the picture is from.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Okay, I am going to start a new thread and add pictures to my list.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Okay, guess I have to do some teasing of you guys on who wants to trade with.
So here is a picture of 'Fire Magic' that I took the other day. The lighting was so much better and the bloom color is so right.

So nobody out there wants to trade/postage?
Ok, that is fine...
Just will compost the tubers after digging them up.....

Thumbnail by daisyruffles
south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

don't you dare compost those tubers.....

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

You are on my list, hehe, Sarv.
Of course I don't want to toss them but....
Am just kind of surprised that there aren't more people out there wanting a few tubers to brightening up their yard!
Or to get some more dahlias addicts! lol

Edited to say, I will put this on the main Plant Trading Forum, but wanted the more serious dahlia lovers to get first dibs.

This message was edited Oct 19, 2005 7:55 AM

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I have 'Fire Magic'.....correction, I had 'Fire Magic'. It was close to 7' tall and a wind snapped it off at the base. I dug it up and it had a lot of skinny tubers, all with eyes. I did the divide, dry, sulfur dust, saran wrap technique but the tubers were kind of limp after drying out for 24 hours as recommended. I think they dried out too long. I have since found instructions by a man who says he has been doing the plastic wrap thing since 1987 for thousands of tubers and he doesn't let them dry for 24 to 36 hours as recommended. He digs, washes, labels, dusts and wraps without any drying time. So I might give that a try in the future, at least for the skinny ones.

Only time will tell if these limp tubers will make it through winter. If not, I will be in the market for 'Fire Magic'. Otherwise I will have extras to trade too. Would you be willing to save one for me just in case mine go to that great big compost pile in the sky? LOL

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Of course, Candy, will be glad to save one.
I am not sure if I am digging it but probably will. It is also in the bed that I am redoing but if I get lazy or the weather gets too bad... But now you give me an excuse to dig it so...
I will.
I just love 'Fire Magic'. It is probably my most favorite as far as lasting the longest on the plant plus the different color.
Am sorry to hear that it wasn't too vigorous tuber-wise. Will be interesting to see how my tubers are tho. Will let you know.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

It actually made quite a few tubers with eyes but they were almost all small and thin. I don't know if that is due to the lousy weather/soil conditions I had here or just the type of tubers this variety makes. If you do dig yours up, let me know what you find.

Members of the local dahlia society told me it doesn't matter what size a tuber is. As long as it has an eye, small skinny tubers can produce large plants with huge blooms, depending on the variety.

If you do dig and divide your clumps in the fall, are you going to replant some of the divided tubers as an experiment to see if they make it?

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Carol! If you compost any tubers I will accidentally delete your wish list from me! ; )

I would like to try Frizzy Lizzy if that's that purple one above, and Fire Magic as well.

Candy, if your air is pretty dry you might be able to just let the tubers sit a couple hours before wrapping. If you find they are looking a bit prunish, try misting them with a few spritzes out of a sprayer of water to rehydrate.

With our high humidity here, I have to let mine sit a day, or two even, to get rid of what I think is excess moisture. Have been known to line up a bunch of tubers on a raised screen and put the space heater blowing their way as well. Maybe I'll try an experiment with Saran Wrapping this year on a few spare tubers: dry some as usual, and prepare a couple others without much drying .

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)


A huge Schnugg (hug) for

my trade list is quite small actually.

6 of Dahlia imperialis (Tree Dahlia)

3 of "Big Arse White" dinner plate

3 of "Big Arse Yellow" dinner plate

Not too much this year, and maybe next year I can ID some of our others. So that I can make educated trades without having to make up my own

best to all,

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I find Big Arse White and BA yellow to be quite descriptive LOL!

Dr. Don, what can I send you in return for the D imperialis? See my trading page under 'bulbs' for what ( hopefully) will be available.
Dmail anything that interests you.
BTW, what color are the blooms on your big tree dahlia anyway? I was so excited about the mere size of the beast, that I forgot all about color.

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya Poochella,

They are kind of orchid pink and get deeper pink toward the center.

Here's a pic of one of them after the first snow that stuck since 1967. It preceeded the coldest temperatures recorded here in 50 years. They were toasted before they ever got to get to full bloom. You should see the Rube Goldberg rope/guying we've done to them after one already went down so far this season. I was waiting to get photos of them in full show last year when this What a bonehead. I'll be providing pics ad nauseum this year just in case we have more anomalous weather this season.

The flowers are single with a kind of 'bell' habit. These were collected in the mountainous region of Oaxaca, Mexico. The D. excelsa (Of which I'll have root cuttings of next year) were collected in Chiapas out of a wonderful residential garden close to the Mayan ruins at Palenque.

you've got dmail

Thumbnail by drdon
(Zone 7b)

where do I find info on the plastic wrap storage method, please?

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Ok guys, very funny!!!
Annie, you wouldn't dare do that, would you? would you??? lol

My thread had gotten to the 2nd page so wanted to bump this up.
Was trying to get people's attention too.
Just wanted to see who of the dahlia lovers were out there who wanted to trade/postage for my tubers.

Candy, I think I will try replanting some tubers. I have a veg. garden that will be redone with new compost and tilled in for the winter. I will plant a few tubers there and see what happens, since it is a raised bed also. Will let you know how they do. Just remind me next summer! lol
You are right about the tiny/skinny tubers tho. I have had some unreal small ones and they have done wonders.

Ok, Annie, will put you down for 'Frizzy Lizzy' and 'Fire Magic'.

Don, have the whole bunch of 'Marie Schnugg' tuber saved just for you, lol.
The D. excelsa sounds very interesting. Where do you get your plant material from then? You have connections in the southern part of the world? It would be so nice to have your constant sunshine to grow so many different plants.

Adios for now,

Centerville, UT(Zone 6a)

Plastic wrap storage method --

Marquette, MI(Zone 5a)

daisyruffles: I'd like to do some tubers for postage if you are willing. LMK the Amount & it'll be in the mail. Your choice of tubers, named or not.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

You can pick which ones you want. Not too many have spoken for any tubers so just name your list.
I will put you on my list to remind me for trading/postage in November I hope.

Keene, NH(Zone 5a)

daisyruffles- i just assumed i was too late to add my name- we just got frost 2 nights ago, and i can slow down on some of the gardening, and sit at the computer some- that is when the kids let me- but really, can i still be part of your exchange??- i'll look at the list and find some favorites!!! wow! sarah

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Sjms, Yep, just tell me what you are interested in and I will put your name and wants on my list for sure.
Well, someone finally got some frost here in the US, I see. We haven't had any here on the opposite side of the US but who knows when.

Keene, NH(Zone 5a)

hi again- hmmmm well let's see-
Hee Haugh,
allie oop
buffie g
would all be good!-i have plenty i can trade, but won't have my list for a while-and many of my older ones have no names..... but if you've had enough trading, i could do the postage method as well-

(if you dig french doll, rosellia, marmalade...let me know! but you're too lucky, i have to dig ALL my dahlias- i think i counted 129-why do i want more? maybe its too crazy-time for me to go to bed,about midnight already- even losing sleep over these things! help!)

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Sjms, well, you are lucky. I have those to dig up because Allie Oop and Buffie G. are in the veg. gardent and they must go. Need to add mint compost and then till it in so out they come.
The Hee Haugh, I have plenty of those.
As for trading, I am not sure right now. I can always do postage, no problem.
You have how many? I have at least that or like 150 maybe.
Yes, why do we all need more? Because we are DAHLIA ADDICTS, that is why, LOL!

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Hiyaa, just saw your list here and thought I oughtta put in my wish list. Of those you have listed, I'd like any of the following:
Winter Ice, Papageno, Snowbound, Prime Minister, Ryn Fou
croydon classic, purple taiheijo, kasasagi, Brian Ray, Fanny Ann
Park Princess, Emory Paul, Pink PomPom, Buffy G, Summer End
Who Dun It, ali oop
Plus I think I emailed you my faves of all the ones you have, if you divide or toss any of those. I'm working on your switches! Hope everything went well for your family.
Hugs, mich

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi, Mich,
When I get home tonight, I will try to do some work on this wish/trade list for sure for you.
Can't wait to see the switches!!! Am sure they will be great!
As I have said before, my father has had a stroke, been up here a week in Washington, going home today, coming back up here next weekend to help with him and mom when he comes home on Nov. 8th, so will have to see what I can do about the dahlia diggings. Darn daylight saving time makes it difficult now since it is dark when I get home. So maybe on Sat.???
But I will somehow honor everyone that I said I would. Tubers may just be dug later than I really want and in the nasty weather, but better late than never.
Later, Carol

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Carol, I am so sorry to hear about your father's stroke. You and your family will be in my thoughts. Don't worry about the trades for me. If you don't get a chance to dig the dahlias, that is fine. Family comes first always. I will still send you what you asked for from my trade list. Please take good care of yourself during this stressful time and don't add any extra pressure..

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Yes, I am thinking the same thing that no water said. Your help is needed and is more important elsewhere. God bless!

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Hey, guys, thanks so much!
Got home tonight and I can't believe that the dahlias are still blooming!
It is to rain for days now here and only down to the low 40's, so....
Geez, can't believe this weather.
But will dig when I can and I WILL FOR SURE honor my trades. I want to!!!! That is the fun part too, besides receiving!
Just wished the weather and light was available to do some gardening to relieve some stress, but.... it is fall time!
Thanks again, Carol

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Is it a month too late to notice this list? I have only ever bought Dahliasas potted 'annuals' at the store. You guys have got me convinced that I can't hold out much longer,,, Therefore I would like to say if and only if you still have them I like Park Princess, Fire Magic, Ruthie G (either!), and seeds to make orange/coral/red/rose dahlias, and all I can offer is postage. :(

This message was edited Jan 14, 2006 9:52 PM

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Fine, Carrie, I am still digging the tubers. Will let you know in time.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Carrie, contact me in spring if Carol doesn't have them. I have all of them but I want to wait until spring to trade so I am sure I am trading viable tubers.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Thanks, guys, although I understand you are both contribuing to an addiction. Can one EVER leave the tubers in the ground all winter? With a whole lot of mulch? And nice sozy snow? This will help my DH understand my new condition.

xxxxx, Carrie

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

I leave tubers in the ground but they are in raised beds and very good drained soil with like 4-6" of mint compost for mulch. We don't get the freezing weather for months like you guys do back east but... You could just try it and see what happens.
Just my 2 cents worth.

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

I would like fire magic the big yellow dinnerplate, frizzy lizzy and poochella any red & white for trade or postage I have
gay princess
summers end
goodwill 90
Mazuma ?

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Mazama- it's mazama and I have the market cornered on that one: 4 plants all with numerous tubers!

Is that red AND white, or plain red and plain white or any/all Veeja? I have you down for Camano choice and Wildwood Marie too.

Renton, WA(Zone 7a)

Do you have me down for poochella? I like the reds and red and white bi colors. what do you mean you have the market on mazama? My seattle only produced one new tuber this year, didn't bloom well either. I dug my dahlias but left one of each in the ground and covered with plastic and pine needles. well see

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