Eucalyptis Nana

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I need some ideas for staking my grown Eucalyptis Nana. Eucalyptis have very shallow roots and a good storm like "Tammy" who brought 5" of rain in a few hours combined with high winds will topple the trees. At least 3 Eucalyptis trees went over in the neighborhood. This tree had toppled once before when it was young and quite small but it is 12' now. My son was able to pull it back up and we staked it with some rough stakes. I would like a more permanent and better looking solution.
Is there such a thing as an attractive and effective staking method? Is there anything I can do culturally to increase the root growth? Any other ideas? Thanks

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Hi Ardesia,

The best method I've found for preventing "blow-down" is incorporating medium sized rocks in the soil on planting. Large rocks placed ontop of the soil also help and eucs don't seem to mind. Staking is probably best using 3-4' high stakes and bicycle tire tube. I've had to cut a few Euc's down as they've grown rope right into the bark in short time and become a hazard. The tire gives flexibility and if placed flat on the trunk doesn't seem to grow around it as fast. Keep it a bit lax instead of tight. If the soil is heavy they don't grow deep but if it is light, rocky or poor they seem to go deeper. You may want to try a little "Root Start" liquid and see if that helps.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Thank you growin, I will try all of the above. Although I live on an island the soil here is heavy clay so I need all the help I can get. 'Nana' is not supposed to be hardy here and this one has done so well it is important to me that it stay healthy.
Thanks again.

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

If you're worried about the Euc making it through the winter, try making a "pen" of stakes and burlap about 2' from the tree to reduce wind-burn.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Actually this will be it's 4th winter. That is why is it so special for me; it is not supposed to like it here.

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Weve certainly had our share of storms lately. My favorites trees (my eucalyptis is one) get staked . I use a stroing nylon rope and stakes in 4 directions. So far it works. I put the stakes up before the storm and take them down afterwards.

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