Ripening Cobae (cup and saucer, cathedral bell) seed pods

wolverhampton, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)


This is my first year that my cobaea has produced seed pods, I am concerned they may not ripen on the plant as temp is getting cooler (daytime average 16c). I have so far found 13 pods but there could be more.

Can the green seed pods be picked and ripened indoors?

Is it possible to root cuttings and if so what is the best way of doing it?

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

My photo shows the plant taken a few weeks ago it has grown lots since.


Thumbnail by alrac

Hi Sue,

You have a nice specimen for a plant I have always wanted to grow but other things got to my trellis space before I could plant the seeds...I would think if this one is like Ipomoea that the seeds would have to mature and ripen on the vine. Maybe someone else can provide more definitive information. Thanks for the picture!


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I'd let nature do what it can do by itself. If you get a freeze warning, you could always go grab them at the last minute, and then dry them indoors...

Every year I worry that certain vines aren't going to be ready in time, but most turn out just fine, and wait until the very last minute.

It is rare that a vine is caught by surprise...they just seem to know something we don't, lol...

A few years ago, I brought in some pods, because we had a freeze warning. I fugured "If I don't bring them in, they'll be frozen for sure, so worth a try"...they ended up drying just fine indoors. Some got a little moldy, though, so be sure if you bring them in, you set them somewhere where they can REALLY dry under a ceiling fan, in a warm room, or something...

I've even heard of people setting them on a cookie sheet and setting them in the oven at 90 degrees for a couple of

wolverhampton, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Thanks to you both for the help and advice, guess I am going to wait and see what happens, but I might bring a couple of seed pods indoors if frost is a threat and try drying them out. This cobaea is causing my husband some work it has now grown above the level of our roof guttering and attached itself to the telepone wires, we are going to have to trim it down a bit.


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