Japanese Pagoda tree, Chinese Scholar tree (Sophora japonica)

South East, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Japanese Pagoda tree, Chinese Scholar tree
Sophora japonica

Thumbnail by pete2255
Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

pete, Here are two photos of my Japanese Pagoda tree, bonsai, that i grew from seed.

The black and white was taken in 1976, when the bonsai was 14 years old, and is placed on an apple box in front of a Japanese Pagoda tree that was the same age but grown in the ground instead of being bonsai. I still have the bonsai tree.

The poor colored one was taken a couple of years ago. If you are interested I can take a photo tomorrow same tree. It is now 53 years old.


Thumbnail by rutholive
South East, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

DonnaS, Thats interesting, Thats a long time to keep a plant in a pot, my maths is not great but I make it 43 yrs, even so quite a long time. The one behind the bonsai in the first pic. really grew well to reach that size in 14 yrs, and you still have it today, thats quite an achievement.
I think its about time it had its photo taken again, dont you?

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

pete, don't think I made myself clear. I still have the bonsai Pagoda tree, but moved to a new location about 11 years ago so have only the bonsai. My daughter from Virginia has been here visiting me for past 8 days, am taking her to Spokane, 175 miles, in the morning to catch her plane home, so won't be around for a day or so/


South East, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Thats OK DonnaS, So the large one was older than 14yrs?

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

No the grown in the ground tree and the bonsai are the same age. I planted several Jap. Pagoda seeds . The tree and the bonsai were the only ones I kept. The tree in the ground for comparison purposes. Thought it pretty neat the difference shown in how they grew.


South East, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

OK I think I'm there now, you still have the bonsai but not the large one in the first picture.
And the bonsai is still doing well after all this time?

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Yes, the bonsai , Chinese Scholar tree, is doing pretty well. here is a photo of it taken yesterday. DonnaS

Thumbnail by rutholive
South East, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Yes its amazing how long, with the proper care and attention which you have obviously given it, a bonsai can live, well done.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Thanksyou Pete. My bonsai are still outside, haven't had any frost yet. Know it is coming and will put them in my cool storage room soon. DonnaS

South East, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

How cold does it get there? I believe the sophora is pretty hardy, Most people over here leave their bonsai out all winter. Are you in the mountains?

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

I live on the east side of the Cascade Mountains and almost always temps will get to -10 degrees a few nights at least during the winter months. And even if the bonsai tree could take the minus 10 degrees the pots would be apt to freeze and break. It is not difficult to move them inside, only about 25 feet. I have about 25 different bonsai and for the winter they are in a north room of the garage, which is insulated and has also available an electric heater if necessary. The bonsai are placed on an old table in front of a fairly large window so that the evergreen types get enough light for the winter months.


South East, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Its sound a really interesting place to live, bet you've got some good wide open spaces there. -10, I asume is that farenheit? If I get 20 deg F on a couple of nights thats considered really cold. Sounds like you really like your bonsai, but I can see that you really have to have somewhere overwinter them in your neck of the woods.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Pete near where are you located, so that i can get some idea in my head.

Yes lots of open space. I took a lot of fall color photos here at my place this morning, as the color is pretty good this year. Will post some in Photo Forum as soon as i get them organized. Here is one i took coming back home from Okanogan, had to get my car license, have a vanity plate- DAYLILY. so costs me more but I've had it for about 10 years or more.

One of my very favorite area to take photos is along the main north-south hwy, which follows the Okanogan river for a few miles. So here is todays view of the river.

DonnaS Sorry I goofed, it is still in the camera, will post later. D.

Thumbnail by rutholive
Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Pete here is the photo of one of my favorite river scenes. Just unloaded it. DonnaS

Thumbnail by rutholive
South East, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

DonnaS, thats a fantastic view, I really like those wild looking untouched kind of places. There's nothing like that near me, I live about 40 miles SE of London.
I came through Washington state 10yrs ago on a tour, but it followed the coast more or less, so I didn't see as much as I would have liked.
We're geting some pretty good Autumn colour over here this year as well, its been one of our dryer summers.

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