Flower on my Pitcher Plant!!!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Never thought that these puppies got flowers too.

The pitchers are about 6-7".

This is a rescue plant from Lowe's....Two bucks....

But with MY TLC, lol, it has changed quite a bit, i.e. dead leaves gone and now growing...lol

Enjoy....I do..


Thumbnail by Happy_1
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

They were right side up when I coped them....Don't know what happened....LOL

Thumbnail by Happy_1
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Last one...

Thumbnail by Happy_1
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Sorry, one more......the "cup" or whatever it's called is 12" by measure...

Thumbnail by Happy_1

Way to go Hap! The "cup" on your Nepenthes is called a pitcher.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

OH...I put this on the ID forum too....

Do you have any idea which one it is?


Your photos tell me this is a "Happy" plant. Just teasing with you. I don't have all that many Nepenthes of my own and your photos are too far away and too dark. My gut feeling is this is maybe a maxima or a maxima hybrid or cultivar of some sort. I looked over at what the others thought it might be in your other thread and I don't think this is a ventricosa but then again, I'm no ID expert either. Sorry, can you take the plant outside into the light and photograph the leaves and get a few different angles of the pitchers that are closer up to include the underside of the lids?

Otherwise bring your plant inside by your computer and do a search for images of maxima, maxima x specatbilis, maxima x alata, or anything else along those lines.

Here's a good website to help you try to identify your plant-
Nepenthes species photos-
Nepenthes hybrids and cultivars-

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks....I will get closer pics tomorrow...pouring rain.........AGAIN...now...

And thanks for the links


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Equi.......any shorter way of finding out.....I'm 65 and I don't think I will be able to find it in those links in my lifetime...LOL

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Are these better?

Thumbnail by Happy_1
Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

And the leaves....which are about 15"

Thumbnail by Happy_1

Oh My! You got that for $2???

N. Maxima? A straight species highland form of some sort?

N. maxima X x Trusmadiensis?

Maxima leaves-

I'm really sorry but I think you are going to have to get somebody much better than me to nail it. I'm relatively confident that is no ventricosa though.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Equi.......The poor baby was burned to a crisp and not seen water in 200 years.

But I just had a feeling that if I took it home and gave it some water and TLC it would come back.....and it has in spades. I am thrilled....It is SO different.

I will check your links after supper.


Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

I am defiantly not a nep specialist, but it certainly looks like a N. X Miranda which is mass produced and found in many chain stores. It is a hybrid of N. maxima X mixta.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks , Wolf...You're probably right. It'a Lowe's special

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

I forgot to say that N. X mixta is (N. maxima X N. northiana). So the N. 'Miranda' cultivar is N. maxima X (N. maxima X N. northiana). It is a very nice plant though.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

That's it Equi.........Miranda.....I'll leave it at that......

I put up my pic next to your post and it was a match, especially the 1st cpforums.org one. Identical....Thanks...

It sure is an odd duck..


That sure is one very nice plant with a heck of a lot of Maxima dna in it. I kept thinking it was so Maxima looking that it might be a straight species from some isolated location somewhere. Geeze, looking at the parentage from wolf9striker after he ID'd it, no wonder why it looked so Maximaish.

Treat it as a highland Nep. Actually, don't bother doing anything other than what you are currently doing because the plant seems to love its new home. Do consider repotting it into a new mix after it is done blooming.

Ooops, editing to ask you to please post your close ups into the PlantFiles and if you could add one of the full views so people can see exactly how big and beautiful these plants are capable of getting it would be great too! There are a few carnivorous plant lovers here and maybe if people search and find links to our site, more CP people will join us.

This message was edited Oct 8, 2005 1:03 PM

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I did the flower and I will take a full pic and post that later.

I did just repot it...How big to these puppies get anyway. The next pot may be my bathtub....lol. Where do these grow in nature? I figured that it must be in trees like orchids or the cups would be on the ground. Could I just put it wrapped to a tree like an orchid or does it need soil?


2$ rescue at Lowes??? Our lowes has never even SEEN a plant like that! You should post this on the 'seed snatchin' thread, because this is one of the best deals I've seen yet. Very, very cool plant!

Hey, do you get alligators in your canal?

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Not lately Pixy.....do have a 5-6' iguana resident.....

I will post it.. where's the seed snatchin' thread?

Good am all.


Bristol, United Kingdom

A very nice Nepenthes youve got there!

No, you cant mount it, it needs soil. They dont grow on trees, but usually at the base of the tree in wet soil thats very low in nutrition.
They need a lot mroe water then orchids and if the soil gets too dry, their leaves droop.
However, dont keep too wet either, dont stand in a tray full of water. If you do the roots will rot.
I use the following mix for my Nepenthes:
2 parts peat, 1 part perlite, 1 part sand, 1 part live spaghnum moss and 1 part medium or fine orchid bark
I also topdres the soil in live spaghnum moss, if you do this the humidity around the pot will increase, and your plants will be happier and pitcher more.
However, the spaghnum moss must be kept moist or wet otherwise this will not work.


Here's a link to the latest 'snatchin' thread:

That iguana sounds almost as big as an aligator!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Dino...that means the cups just lie on the ground? They don't hang?

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Here is a upright picture of the entire plant..It is 55" from the crest of the flower stalk to the bottom of the cup. It's realy quite something. Mama is proud...

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Opps, forgot the pic..

Thumbnail by Happy_1
Culpeper, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy - send good pics & as much info as you can to these guys:


They're terrific at id's & care info.

Great advice RedDragon!

Hey Breezy, please go and give Sarracenia Northwest a positive plug since you have ordered from them-

Isn't Jacob the best! Jeff's pretty cool too but I think Jacob is more social.

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

Just read this thread. Wolf you are correct. That IS a Nepenthes Miranda.

There are several temp ranges this can be grown in. Being that this is a hybrid it will thrive in a variety of conditions. First and foremost one must look at the species used in the mix. Nepenthes maxima, although considered a highland plant, and there are lowland forms, is actually an intermediate. It does not need the radical temperature drop at night that most 'true' highlanders require.

Second, Nepenthes northiana is a true lowlander in every respect. Therefore when you mix a lowland with a highland or intermediate you can successfully grow your plant in a range of conditions. You will find though that you will get the best results from growing at the intermediate level - 80 to 90 deg. F daytime, 60 to 65 deg. F nightime. Don't worry if your temps are out of this range. Remember the hybrid vigor principal.

Your plant is also in the upper pitcher stage. That means that it is developing pitcher traps that are typically found dangling from the branches of trees where the tendrils have wrapped around a support to drop the large, funnel shaped pitchers. When your plant has sent out a basal rosette you will find a completely different type of pitcher form. We call these basal, ground or rosette pitchers. They are WAY more elaborate than the upper funnel pitchers...due to the northiana influence.

You found a very good deal on that plant and it looks like you're doing a great job with it. When repotting it just keep in mind that most all commercially available Nepenthes are semi epiphytic type plants. They like an open, airy, free draining mix that incorporates some type of sphagnum moss, coconut fiber or such. Best advice is:

Bright light, very free draining acidic growing medium, frequent watering, repotting every 2-3 years, feed an occasional cricket or bug, NO FERTILIZER....until you have become an exerieced Nepenthes grower. There are lots of useful websites where you can get good information. You may also want to purchase the book 'The Savage Garden' by Peter D'Amato. He's a very good personal friend and an expert in the hobby. His book is probably the best resource for cp cultivation.

Have fun and good growing!


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the info Phil.

I am growing it outside 24/7 so it's on it's own to forage for vermin...lol I just noticed yesterday that it has sent up a second flower spike. Took a close-up of the dainty flower....how precious...

Thumbnail by Happy_1
Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

You are most welcome Happy_1. If your plant is flowering that's great. But heed this warning.....they have a most foul aroma.

Best of luck growing. OH yeah....based on where you are living, if you want to grow a super cool Nepenthes get yourself a Nepenthes rafflesiana. They're almost prehistoric looking!

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks Phil

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

drdon......could you repeat that please....I had my hearing aid off......


Oh my gosh! I just caught that. drdon must have accidentally erased his post. I've done that before.

Hey, a rafflesiana is a cool plant. We killed off one of those over here just recently. Irresponsible growing on our behalf and an open door that allowed a cat in. Ooops.

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