I've dug my first clump of the season.....I've got EYES!!!!

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

We haven't had a frost yet but last week a storm snapped my 'Fire Magic' off at ground level. I dug it up tonight and it had eyes - lots of them! I am so happy. I have saved my tubers for years but I never divided until spring since I couldn't find the eyes in the fall. Now I understand why - I was told the clumps had to stay in the ground at least 2 weeks after a killing frost so they would cure. By the time I dug them, the eyes were no longer visible. I divided 'Fire Magic' tonight and it was only slightly confusing. LOL

I have a few questions:

1. I am going to try the saran wrap method of storage. Does that work well on the long, thin-necked tubers?

2. How long do the divided tubers need to sit out before wrapping in saran wrap?

3. Is there going to be a dahlia exchange this fall or are we waiting until spring? I need to get these tubers wrapped right away and I don't know whether I should wrap them individually for fall trades or as a group to re-wrap individually in the spring for trading.

Thanks for all your help.

Hillcrest Kismet

Thumbnail by NoH2O
Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

I can't find the thread about the saran wrap. Grannymarsh talked about it on one of her threads in the Dahlia Forum and gave a link to another site that explained it all. So, sorry can't help you there. Maybe you can find it or maybe she will see this and post the link again.
But I do know that you need to let the tubers dry for awhile before wrapping or even storing the other ways. Or they will rot.
I am trading with people and I hope to do it this fall. I really don't have space to store all the ones I am digging this year. I usually overwinter them in the ground but I want to redo at least one of my dahlia bed and am digging a few other ones anyways.
So I am not sure how to go about doing a dahlia exchange. That does sound kind of interesting tho. I am already trading a few with others here on DG but...
So maybe each person should list what they have or will have and go from there?
I do know that Poochella has posted her trade list on her site already.
I am not sure how I am going to do my trade list.
Just my 2 cents bit worth.
Love that pic of 'Hillcrest Kismet'.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Found it.
It is in the Dahlia Forum under Dahlia Tips and Tricks by Poochella, then posted by Grannymarsh.

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