Want to make a girls day?

Ewing, KY(Zone 6a)

Most of your know Roz, she has a very simple request that would be a wonderful surprise for a young lady that got her birthday stole away by Katrina. Hannah, her granddaughter's 13th birthday was the day after Katrina hit them.
Hannah is down so many of the things she has looked forward to this year has been taken away. I meet this young lady, she is such a happy, pretty, polite young lady. She loves mail and gets the mail for Roz everyday when she gets home. We thought it would be a wonderful surprise if she could get some birthday cards that she won't be expecting. Roz is still on limited dial up and asked if I would post this for her. I am going to share part of her email with her permission.

Hannah is really down. She said she had three things she was really looking forward to this year: her birthday party, being selected for the Science Discovery Club (that was supposed to meet one day a week after school, and had plans to go to NASA and really do some great stuff, and she was only one of ten selected to be in the club because of her good Science grade) and playing for the high school junior varsity soccer team. She was supposed to try out this year. Well, her birthday was the day after Katrina, and her swimming party was to be the Sat. after her birthday. Course, all that got canceled. Now, the Science Club is not going to be able to meet at all. School is on shifts at some schools and the teacher heading up the Science club has an afternoon class to teach so that is out. Now, she called me from school, and the high school is not going to take any junior high varsity players at all, so that is out too.

She sounds so down, and though she is a very upbeat happy little girl, she just said there is really not much to look forward to. Just like Hannah, she told me she is not really complaining cause so many people have it so hard, harder than she does, but she just can't help but feel sad. Just a lot of sadness everywhere here right now.

It would be just great if she got some birthday cards from people she would never expect a card from. I think it would just wow her to come home to birthday cards that came in the mail.

If you want to send her a card (no gifts) that would be wonderful. Roz is in the address exchange and if you want to email me I can give you Hannah's last name I just don't feel right posting a last names on forums.

Thanks everybody.

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