
New Richmond, WI(Zone 3b)

Being new to flower gardening I am not sure how to control the weeds and grasses in a small strip that I am trying to naturalize with wildflowers. I plant a mixed variety of wildflower seeds this spring. I applied Roundup a week before planting. I got about 50% plant coverage. I also need suggestions of flower seeds that do well in a shady area in that strip. What do I need to do this fall to prepare for replanting some bare spots? Should I replant the seeds this fall or in the spring in Wisconsin?

Woodland Park, CO(Zone 4b)

How small?
Where did you purchase your wildflower seeds?

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

Go to this website for Wildseed Farms and request a catalog. They have a lot of good information in the catalog about planting and maintaining wildflower meadows in any size and really great seed mixes for various parts of the country.


they also have a 96% rating in the Garden Watch Dog.

New Richmond, WI(Zone 3b)

The strip I am working with is 6'Wx 85'L. It runs across the back of our lot, by the fence. About half way, there are two trees slightly to the west of the wildflower garden that creates shade. It's that shadey area that was a little bare. I am wondering how much winter kill I will get. I don't know if I should plant some seeds in late fall or will the plants will self seed or come from the root? Should I do any fall trimming & fertilizing? I got the mixed flower seed from Michigan Bulb Company. This year I tried to gather some seeds from my favorite plants that produced nice blooms. Thanks for the link. I will check it our today.

This message was edited Oct 24, 2005 1:09 PM

Wauconda, IL


If you're looking for an english meadow type of thing, then Wildflower Seeds is the place for you.

If you're looking to do plants native to the US, then Wildflower Seeds is not good, they have lots of non-natives in their seed mixes. For this I recommend Prairie Moon Nursery. They have seed mixes formulated for most areas of the US, and also shade and wet areas. Their catalog also is a great guide on how to plant and grow your plot.


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