If You Were a Perennial, What Would You Be?

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

I'd be a canna. Like cannas, I despise winter, preferring instead the heat of summer. Cannas are big, bold and luscious, demanding little care, but standing tall and proud, just waiting to be noticed. They're reliable, elegant, and everblooming in warm climates. They draw nature (butterflies, hummingbirds, and hummingbird moths) to them. And they wow people with their various colors, shapes and sizes. Yep, I'd be a canna.

What would you be?


Bridgman, MI(Zone 5a)

I would be a wild, rambling rose. I would grow without restraint, somewhere in a meadow, and my existence would be a mystery. I would be simple, but beautiful and unforgettable. Nature alone would be my caretaker.

I would be a tropical waterlily, mysteriously emerging from under the warm water. I might be a night bloomer, soaking up sun all day as I stay closed, then opening up at night to bathe the air in rich fragrance. I think I would be a blue one, and one that holds the flower well above the water.
Nice thread, Nancyann!

Wesley Chapel, FL(Zone 9a)

A Black Magic Elephant Ear. Dark, mysterious, looming, domineering, and larger than anything else around me. The Boss!!!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

The Shasta Daisy would be my pick. I love the spring time,and they are out in the breeze waving back and forth like they don't have a care in the world. They stand out or blend in with other flowers, ...good teamwork of sorts. They bloom for a super long time.....and make great cut flowers indoors. Sharing plants or seed with friends is easy and rewarding. ....... They just make me smile...!

Thumbnail by Sheila_FW
Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

I think I would be an elegant rose, probably a dark fragrant red, standing tall, waiting for someone to come by and say, "Oh, smell this one!"

Sebastopol, CA(Zone 9a)

Sounds a little racy, 1Gardengram. LOL.

Langley, BC, BC(Zone 8b)

I think I would be aconitum napellus. Coming late to the game, but lasting in my glory for a very long time. Basking in the cool wet air of autumn, spending the ghastly heat of summer putting down deep roots. Strong and wiry, not like the succulent brittle delphinium; adjusting easily to wind and weather. Deep coloured, hooded and mysterious.

An antidote to many problems taken in small doses. Poisonous, in all my parts, to the greedy and the dumb.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I like that hortensia. On a similar note, I was thinking I'd be a hellebore. The unexpected aspect of blooming in late winter (the opposite of what everybody else does!) is what draws me. Just when all the other perennials are winding down, they're just waking up and getting new growth. The fact that they're poisonous and nothing will bother them seems right to. Neal.

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

zuzu--I was going for elegance. ;^)

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Since daylilies are my addiction, I would probably choose to be one of them. They are easy to grow and pretty care free.

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

What color daylily would you be?

East Barre, VT(Zone 4a)

I'd be a peony. Big, bold and extravagant. The flashiest and most fragrant of the spring flowers. yep, no contest.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

LOL, I'd choose to be a callalily... tall, cool, elegant... unlike my short chunky self!

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

I'd chose to be the red honeysuckle that grows up my chimney, with a grand view of my gardens and the lovely field in back of my property. And I'd enjoy the hummers from close up as they tickle my blooms and sit on my branches.

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

Oh you guys are so good!

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

You took the words out of my mouth, Darius. I'm going with a calla lily too. I carried them at my wedding many, many years ago. They seem stately, proud, confident of their simple beauty. (I'm none of those things, but I can dream.)

Thumbnail by nap
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Ohm nap! Thanks for posting a photo! They are my all-time favorite flower although it's getting harder to get good ones from a florist... they all seem to come "folded". Of course I grow a few but won't cut them, and they are never as stately as the commercial ones.

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

If y'all love callas, you simply must get the Flame calla, a beautiful yellow with red flames. It's my fave! I thought I had a pic of mine, but I can't find it.


Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

I can't grow callas up here, can I?

Bridgman, MI(Zone 5a)

You can grow them in zone 5. I had alot better luck with them than I did with the canna's. I agree, Calla's are awesome!

Langley, BC, BC(Zone 8b)

Hey Neal, we need to drum up a bit more support for the dark and interesting side. Surely there is someone out there with a hankering to be a foxglove????

Well you guessed my second choice! I was torn between water lily and foxglove! Just plain Digitalis purpurea would be great! Talk about versatile - sun or shade, moisture or less moisture, purple, pink or white. Plus I could save people with heart trouble, and poison people with other kinds of trouble! LOL

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Y'all are so creative! I love this little peek into your personalities.

Hemlady, which daylily would you be? Possibly a rare white one? Because I think you're an especially rare and wonderful trader. Or maybe a beautiful rebloomer who keeps coming back to astound people?


White Lake, ON(Zone 4b)

I would be any perennial that is pest and disease resistant! Probably a slug-resistant hosta.....with thick leaves. I'd be shy to emerge in the spring but show my true colours where comfortably situated. I'd like to have a fun name to make people chuckle. And I'd like to be rare to ensure I'd always be appreciated and well-treated.

Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

ButterflyChaser has been trying to help me figure out what perennial I am comparable to, and she's suggested several things that I just don't identify with. I don't necessarily want to choose my favorite thing, but one that is comparable to me and my personality. I think if I HAD to pick ONE (that's been the hard part) it would be.....

variegated liriope

An accent to the more spectacular things, just interesting enough to keep around, tough as all-get-out, and still has some pretty purple flowers to turn someone's head occasionally

yep, that's me!

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Uh.....I need a picture please... a what???

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

I asked my gardening daughter today what perennial she would be. She said she would be a Gloriosa Daisy because they are so bright and cheerful over a long period of time, come back next year, wave gently in a breeze, and always make her smile. And to think I gave her those seeds because I could not make one grow in my yard!!!

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

Gail reminds me of Autumn Fire sedum. It's fairly short, but not too short, and bush. Very tough and hardy, tolerates neglect and thrives with care. It's late blooming, just as Gail is always late. And it's got a red top, like Gail. It's full of fire and Wow, like Gail when she blooms. And when the season fizzles out, Autumn Fire is still on display, refusing to run from winter, just as Gail is a constant friend thru "all the seasons".

In case you can't tell, Gail and I are best friends. We get together almost everyday of the week. And I'm fairly sure her husband is a little jealous and would like to have full custody of his wife. I do try to let him have her on weekends, altho this weekend couldn't be helped. We had projects at my house and hers to work on.

Then there are those occasions when Gail loans me her husband for the day. I'm here to tell ya, there is nothing better than a borrowed husband. They're like grandchildren. You can send them home when you're tired of them. So, once he got my tree cut down, I gave him back. LOL


Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

I think he secretly likes it when you walk into my house and shout out "HI, HONEY!!" lmao

nap - Did you mean a pic of the variegated liriope? Try this link....

p.s. Thanks for the compliments! But don't you like MY selection of var. monkey grass? I thought that suited me well....

This message was edited Oct 10, 2005 12:43 PM

This message was edited Oct 10, 2005 12:47 PM

Buffalo, NY(Zone 6a)

Yes, that's what I meant. Nice picture, but it looks like it's having a bad hair day. Still, I like your description a lot!

Bay, AR(Zone 7a)

Well, thanks, nap. I thought it fit me pretty well!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, hortensia, it looks like we're the only ones so far with a Goth side! LOL What fun! Neal

Langley, BC, BC(Zone 8b)

So it would seem. No nature red in tooth & claw here!! Oh well, come winter they'll all have to go to sleep under the ground, -- oops, wait so will I!!


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Sorry it took me so long to answer you Butterflychaser and 1gardengram, I was out of town. I would definitely be a reblooming daylily and I am not sure what color. Probably lavender or purple or maybe a stunning red.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I see ButterflyChaser as our Blaze rose on the vegetable garden fence. Nothing can stop it, the color is a true red, it can be bruised and battered and comes back fighting. That's BC to me.

For myself I'm tossed between wanting to be an Oriental Lily because of the magnet it is in the garden, so lovely, so full of wonder and fantastic scent, or a Japanese iris. In the end I guess it's the JI that would win: no staking, beautiful for weeks, floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee. No, sorry, that's Muhammed Ali.

I'd be a mum, grow yearing round, but hitting my stride as the days start cooling down. ;->

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