Posting Pictures help

Aptos, CA

Well, I took some pictures JPG format...but I think they are too "large" and that is why I cannot does one decrease the size of the photos???

Many thanks!

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Do you have XP?
What program do you use for the digital pictures?
Are you on dial-up? If so, that may be part of your problem. May take a long time to upload.
Need some answers to these questions to help you.
You could ask this question on the General Discussion, Garden Talk Forum, or even the Computer Forum maybe.

Aptos, CA

Okay I can try this maybe...

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Gorgeous dahlias!
Yep, that is how Poochella (Annie) does her pics here at times.
Very, very pretty flowers you have.
Good to see them.
Thanks, Carol

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Yep Yep and that's how Annie Poochella likes em! Beautiful buckets of dahlias Sudhira. Really pretty pinks and I love the wavery pale peach one front lower right in among the yellows. Do you sell the flowers in buckets from under the umbrella?

Very nice! You might check your camera for size of photo setting. Small works very well. On my camera it shows the pixels ( I think) 640 x 480 or so and most of my photos are taken on that setting. You found a way to make it work, and that's what counts. Thanks for posting.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Yes, I like tooooooo.
Very pretty.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Carol if you read this tonight: I have put almost all my dahlias on the trade list, but to my horror discovered that many are HUGE, GIGANTOR photos of many pixels wide x tall. Is there an easy way to resize them once downloaded to my computer without using something like Photobucket? I have the irfanview program but couldn't figure out how to use it. And there's one other re-sizer I can try, but if you know something fast and easy, I'd love to hear about it.

Aptos, CA

Okay, thanks for everyone's input...I have lots to learn about the camera and all...I have to rey and figure out how to put a thumbnail up too.

Yes, I do sell blooms from my little cart, and I also give them away too...dahlias...amazing plants...I am so hooked!

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Annie, what program/software do you use for the digital pictures?
I use Adobe PhotoSuite to play with pictures. Plus Adobe PhotoElements too.
I am looking up something so will get back to you.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Annie, off the top of my head, no, I don't know. Sorry.
But can't you just load from My Pictures on XP? Instead of doing it from Photobucket?

Maybe put a thread in the Computer Forum and ask there. Maybe someone can help you there.
Yes, the pictures are HUGE!
My, you sure are generous with them all.
I am still on your list right first? hehehe!

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

The cart with the dahlias look great.
Am glad to see another dahlia addict, hehe.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Sudhira, beautiful photos, your dahlias are stunning. They look so perfect.

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I have My Photo Center for my photos and it is an HP program that came with the camera. You can change the size of the photo in that program and I change them exactly to the size you mentioned, Annie.

Carol, I have gotten out in the dahlia patch the last couple of days and they just seem more beautiful than ever since we finally got some decent rain. I do have mildew and the plants look a little ratty and falling over but the flowers themselves are just awesome. My hubby thinks I should leave mine in the ground this fall. What do you think? It doesn't mean you couldn't come up and dig whatever you like.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi Joann,
I was going to write you a D-mail soon to see how you were doing. Haven't seen you much here lately.
Yes, my dahlias are blooming so nicely. Tho with the rains, some of the stems have been falling down good. I have powdery mildew everywhere now. Didn't have that last year at all. I was going to treat it and then decide it isn't worth it since it is all over every plant almost.
I don't know if you remember, but I had asked you before about the ground there where the dahlias are planted now wheather is is wet or dry soil in the winter. You told me that it is wet. So I don't know. If it were me, I would at least dig up part of the tubers/plants and store in case you do rot the tubers.
You had talked about taking out some that you didn't like. I would dig those and put in ones you like next year.
But this is just my opinion. You have so many nice dahlias that I would hate for you to lose them, but I don't know your ground there at all. If it is soggy in the winter....
But yes, I would still love to get some tubers from you tho. But only, and only, if you want to part with some. I don't want to take away from your beautiful dahlia beds.
Just let me know when you are ready. Also if you need me to help you do anything around there too. Would love to spend some time with you.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Joann, how are you and the family doing? You have been quiet and missed. I've left clumps in the ground covered with piles of leaves or straw or both and they did well, by and large.

Good news! All on my own with my puny non tech brain, I figured out the resizing program; doesn't even take that long. I looked at it long ago and had no idea where to even start. This time I just forged ahead and whipped it into shape! My motto is click until it does what you want it to! If anyone is interested in it: it's a short little free shareware program called irfanview. If you searched for that, you'd find it. No viruses, it's been scanned a zillion times here.

Carol, Yes, My Pictures or sometimes My Documents is where my photos go, but if they get there from the camera in huge pixel form, they're stuck being huge til resized somewhere else. That's where Photobucket or some other resizer magic helps. The key is to keep the camera set on a more normal size in the first place! But if you just push random buttons like me, you never know what you're going to get LOL. I took a nice video of my shoes and dirt the other day LOL!

Everyone enjoy the last nice days we might have for a while.

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