Apple Mountain

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

I've mountains of apples and I've only picked one tree. The freezer is almost full of other produce and I would be grateful for any recipes, tips on cider making, storage etc. The ones I've picked don't keep as well as the later ones.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Hi Pat
this may use up a few:

Also I have made apple curd in a similar way to lemon curd, but using stewed apple with butter and egg yolk. This keeps in sterilized jars, though not as long as jam. It's delicious but I can't find the recipe. Here is one that uses the curd immediately for a tart:
You may be able to vary this to make something to put in a pot.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Could you try and make a large batch of applesauce and do some canning? Or maybe just cut up apples in larger pieces in the jars to make pies in the winter? Then there is also apple butter. There has to be other things. Isn't there a way to dehydrate thin slices of apples? Maybe someone know how to do that.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

I just typed in cooking with apples and got this:

Some great ideas above! Here's one of my favourite recipe sources on the net

Philomel .... Apple curd? I suppose that would make a good condiment too. We recently had a toffee apple meringue which was nice (still prefer lemon though)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes Baa, and gooseberry curd is very yummy, particularly if flavoured with elderflowers which should conveniently be available at the same time as the gooseberries

Sheffield, United Kingdom(Zone 7b)

Thank you so much everyone there are some excellent sites and great recipes. I think I will try some apple curd first, I think this is the same as apple butter. My next problem is that I've run out of bottles and jars - had a good jam and wine bottling session this summer.

I'm not moaning though. I love growing, picking and using everything I grow. I'm also trying to lose weight which is another problem when I love to try new recipes. I suppose I could just eat apples instead of meals for a few weeks!

I should be a little more adventurous using the web - I've not used it much before - Dave's Garden is the first site I've joined. I'm amazed at the amount of information there is if you ask the right questions, but find I get a very painful neck if I spend much time at the computer, so tend not to use it for long periods.

Thanks again

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