Camellia Japonica Beginning to Bloom!

Savannah, GA

In addition to the Sasanqua Camellias, I had my first bloom of the Camellia Japonica called 'Daikagura Variegated'. This is an extremely early blooming Japonica. Camellias make such great landscape plants in the areas where they are grown. How many gardeners are using camellias as landscape plants, and what are your favorite varieties?

Thumbnail by camelliagirl
Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

that is a beautifull flower,i was given a camellia plant in a bucket the lady toled me just to let it grow and give it food once in a while, well its got blooms on it been on it far 2 months and halven,t open up yet, i can see there going to be pink,how long does it take to open up ,this is my first one don,t know the name of it

Savannah, GA

Most camellias bloom between September and March. Each variety has their own bloom season within this time frame. If the buds are showing color, I would not think that it would be long before they open. Once the buds begin to swell, it may take a few days up to a few weeks for the individual blooms to open.

Keep me posted on the progress. If you can, take a picture of it when it blooms and post it. Maybe, we can determine the name of your camellia.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Oh, I wonder whether you would mind having a look at photos of one that was here when we bought the house later camelliagirl?
I think it's a japonica, but am new to camellias. It flowers in the spring as far as I can remember. I'll post some photos when it comes into bloom for you to look at please.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

My Cleopatra has its first few blooms, with tons of buds. My mom gave this one to me and I just love it. I have several of the dark red Japonicas, but I think I have them in too much shade because they just get 4-5 blooms on them at best. I really should get more because they are so pretty, and evergreen to boot!

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

some of the buds is getting bigger but some is very small. i counted the buds there,s 30 of them on it,this is like haveing a baby the wait is terrible. do i need to fertlize it are any thing,?i will take some pictures soon as one opens,

Savannah, GA

I would be glad to look at your blooms. I am not an expert, but I may be able to help. Post the pictures when they bloom.

Savannah, GA

I love Cleopatra as well. It was my mother's favorite Sasanqua. We had a large plant of it in front of the house where I grew up at. Sometimes a lot of shade can limit the number of buds. I have found that an organic fertilizer like Holly-Tone really helped my bud set even in less than perfect light environments. I think this fertilizer is excellent for camellias.

Savannah, GA

It is like having a baby. Lots of anticipation! Some camellias set buds for a long period of time, so the size of the buds may vary. This may indicate a longer blooming season. I fertilize my camellias in the fall with a light application of Holly-Tone Fertilizer. It is a low nitrogen fertilizer, and it will help the buds and give the plant a darker green foliage color.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Many thanks camelliagirl :)

I don't have Cleopatra, so I'll be looking for that now - I don't have a white flowered one at all. Is it scented?

Savannah, GA

Some white camellias are fragrant. Most of the fragrant camellias are either species or hybrids between fragrant species and non fragrant species. One extremely fragrant white camellia is a species called Camellia synaptica. It is one of my favorites.

Thumbnail by camelliagirl
Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Right, thank you. That's going on my 'to buy' list right now!
When does it flower?

Savannah, GA

Camellia synaptica usually flowers for me in late fall to early winter here in Savannah. It is an extremely fast growing camellia.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Sounds great and we are lucky to have a camellia nursery who are holding a display event at the end of october, so I'll be seeing what they have.........
Just looked at their catalogue and they don't seem to list C synaptica :( :( :(

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

well i had 3 babies so far thats open,heres a picture of it ,my camera not the best in the world.hope you can tell what type it is

Thumbnail by starfly
Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

her,s another one

Thumbnail by starfly
surfside beach, SC(Zone 8b)

One of the camellias on my list to buy is Nuccio's Gem.I was happy to find it yesterday at Loew's.I bought a small one for $8.They have very big plants for about $30.

Savannah, GA

I can tell from your picture that the camellia that is blooming is a member of the Sasanqua species, but I can not be sure of the exact variety. Can you get a picture that has a closeup view of the flower?

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

ok, here it is ,hubby just bought me a new kodak cd33 easy share zoom digital camera
ok wrong picture with old camera ,next one

This message was edited Oct 9, 2005 6:24 PM

Thumbnail by starfly
Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

lets try this one

Thumbnail by starfly
Savannah, GA

I think that your Sasanqua Camellia is called 'Sparkling Burgundy'. It is one of the earliest blooming sasanquas that I have. My plant is beginning to have quite few blooms on it this week. The picture here is of 'Spakling Burgundy'.

Thumbnail by camelliagirl
Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

thank you,thats what mine looks like

Thumbnail by starfly

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