Greenhouse bubble insulation

Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

We have a glass 8x12 attached Solargro greenhouse. We just conquered the excess summer heat problem and now we're working on holding in heat at night. Our Chill Out foil shade cloth is supposed to help with heat retention, but I can already tell it's not going to be enough. We're growing mostly cool weather veggies and will add a floating row cover when it gets really cold, like Elliot Coleman's technique in the hoop house.

Has anyone used the bubble insulation from Charley's? Does it help retain heat? Is it really any better than the bubble wrap used in shipping? The directions say you can put it up by spraying the glass with water for a temporary application. Does that just mean for a day or two or should you use tape to take it through the winter season? Thanks for any advice you can give me.


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I just saw this posted and their prices are really good.

I would like to know if large bubbles are better than small bubbles?

Bloomingdale, NY(Zone 4a)

Don't know if bigger bubbles are better. I do know that if you time it right, you might be able to get huge pieces from canoe/kayak dealers for free. I do! Pieces up to 6'x20'


Thanks for the link, Chele! After checking out lots of different sites I ordered 3 rolls of unperforated 24" x 130' x 1/2" bubble wrap all for $78.58 - shipping included!

With the high price of city gas I want to maximize my new 12' x 27' hoop house's warmth retaining capacity.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

The link was actually posted by orchidman on this post: I was reading and thought I would cross post that. :) I was happy to share it though.

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Donna I couldn't find the unperforated, this is what I found under the reading:

Are you sure yours is unperforated? If so let me know how to order it.

I must have been asleep, 2pd...... It is, in fact, preforated.

Looks like I'll be using even more clear duct tape than I thought..... [heavy sigh]

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

I was planning on ordering some, and wanted to make sure I was getting the right stuff, or should I say the same that you got.
I wonder if you would have to tape the perforated part together to keep it together. If you were careful in how you applied it, or would you risk loosing protection if you didn't tape. Anything is worth a try.

I could have gotten it through but I would have had to order double the amount I needed and then it would have been too much - both bubble wrap and money.

Even with taping all the perforation I think I'll come out ahead ordering what I did.

As for having to tape the perforation - we have quite a bit of wind here. My concern is with constant 'breathing' the perfs will start to give away and I would hate to have to try to tape it once the wrap is installed.

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

We install the bubble wrap on the inside of the greenhouse or is it done on the outside?

I'm going to put mine on the outside simply because of the weight.

Anybody else have any ideas about which is best?

Well, DH has set me straight. The bubble wrap will go on the inside. He's telling me he thinks it won't hold up to the UV rays.

Silly me, thinking on my own.... ;->

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Generally, it shoult be applied to the inside. :)


Lewiston, CA(Zone 7b)

I have a 6X8' roll up door on my GH & the door mfg. suggested putting the foil type bubble wrap on the door for extra insulation.
That's a good tip about the canoe & kayak dealers, we have 2 near here, I'll check it out! Thank-x. Bj

Wimberley, TX(Zone 8a)

I have a 10x20 greenhouse and we generally don't have a lot of very brutally cold weather but I worried about my plants on those few extremely cold nites. I have a cover I pull over the top of the greenhouse at night and we used bubble wrap on the inside. With the heater on and the insulation, it has made a difference in how much warmer my greenhouse stays. I bought the wrap (one side is smooth) from Charley's Greenhouse Supplies where I also bought double-sided tape to put it up with. I've been really pleased w/ the results I've gotten from using the (big) bubble wrap

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

You are using it as insulation. Bubble wrap works because it is already two sheets with air between it. Depending on whether you attach it straight to your polycarb/glass/plastic, you have the opportunity to leave yet another air space for added insulation. The sheeting you buy from gh dealers is supposed to be UV treated so it would be fine either way. The untreated is going to hold up better inside, getting protection from your glazing if it is UV treated.

In my case, the plan is to attach it to the pvc frame and NOT the polycarb itself. I know 4mm is not optimal glazing in my zone but the Rion is what I could afford with ample space. By building it on top of railroad ties, I also gave myself another 2' of headroom. Anyway, there are gaps where air exchange will happen where the corners meet on the Rion. That is why I plan to do the whole inside on the frame work.

First I have to get mine put back up. I have to find out where to get railroad ties in the middle of nowhere. I don't think it would be financially wise to haul mine to the new house.

I have listed Cutting Edge Packaging on Garden Watchdog at

Before you order from them please read the feedback I left for them.

Reno, NV

I bought clear swimming pool bubble cover a year ago. I used it over a PVC frame covered with 6 mil plastic and held in place with spring clamps. This is not a big garden, just an 8' x 12' raised bed with a fan, heater and wireless weather station inside to monitor temp and humidity. Last winter was the worst we've had here in something like 89 years but everything worked just fine. I had flowers and vegetables throughout the winter. I'd love to have a real greenhouse!

Rockford, IL(Zone 5a)

I wondered if Solar Energy still use today. If so, why not use the solar energy to store up the electricity to keep the greenhouses warm or grow lamps at night.

Just a thought....

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