Spinach - Is this what people call "bolting"?

Sunnyvale, CA(Zone 9b)

I planted spinach seedlings a couple of weeks ago and now I see little bud like things on it. Is spinach bolting? Does this mean I need to start over or I can just pinch the buds and I am good? I've never done spinach so I have no idea...


las vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

i have the same problem, but i planted my second batch and i think they bolt quicker when the weather is warmer.

Audubon, PA(Zone 6b)

YES... your spinach is bolting to seed. Long days of sunlight in Summer & warmer temperatures signal the "cool weather" veggies to bolt. Spinach is a "cool weather" veggie & should be planted in early spring and again in late summer / early Fall.

Good luck...

Los Alamos, NM(Zone 5a)

Some crops, like spinach, lettuce and arugula, bolt and should be replanted. Where I live, I can plant a spring crop and then a fall crop. My spring crop bolted in June and I planted the fall crop a week or so into July. I have also replanted my lettuce. Arugula has to be replanted about every 3 weeks to keep a continuous crop. Turnips and mustard have to be replanted as well. Some places can grow more than 2 crops, I understand, so check with local gardeners. I have also planted 2 crops of peas.

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