Why I love dahlias......

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I am cutting a lot of dahlias today - we may have a frost tonight. :^[

Thumbnail by NoH2O
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I hope they make it through the night....

Thumbnail by NoH2O
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

After tonight, the forecast is for lovely weather

Thumbnail by NoH2O
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

We had severe storms last night. My 6 1/2' 'Fire Magic' had toppled over onto several other dahlias, they went down like dominos. 'Fire Magic' is completely snapped off at the base; I hope the others will be okay.

Sometimes when I am really busy in spring I think that dahlias are too much work on top of everything else I have to take care of. These pictures are to remind me that they are worth whatever it takes to grow them.

Thumbnail by NoH2O
Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Last one for today but hopefully not for the season.

Thumbnail by NoH2O
Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

those are beautiful. my dahlia's are finally doing great. they are calling for frost here in coshocton. belinda

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Belinda, don't you just hate it when that happens? Especially when one or two nights of frost are followed by weeks of Indian Summer. Grrrrr!!!!

Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

yes, i do. i live on riverbottom farm and we always get frost first. at least indian summer gives me time to dig them and that means winter is close. brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Centerville, UT(Zone 6a)

NoH2O -- your dahlias are beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I hope the frost warning is false and you have many more days of blooms.

I am curious though about a few of the flowers in the image you posted Sep 29, 2005 (shows 10:01 in my window.) There's a couple just left of center. They seem too large for lisianthus. What are they?

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Jolene.

Are you asking about the pink/apricot colored flowers with yellow centers? They are gladiolas - there were just a few flowers left at the tops of the stems so they don't look like the usual long stalks of glads that you normally see. LOL

Centerville, UT(Zone 6a)

They blend in so nicely. Do you grow them in amongst the dahlias or do you use something else for support?

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Actually they are growing with the dahlias and weren't too happy when 'Fire Magic' came crashing down on them during last night's storm. LOL

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

NoH2O, your photos are exquisite. The colors are just outstanding.

Centerville, UT(Zone 6a)

Lots of drama in your garden!

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

They look so neat and so full.
It is good that you have brought them in to enjoy at least inside the house.
I know what you mean about them going down like dominos. They always do that with the first real rain.
But hope you do get to enjoy them more.
Here in Oregon, we usually get to see them until late Oct. and sometimes the first part of Nov. But this year, who knows.... Is getting cold at nite here too.
I love using glads to put with the dahlias but only if they snap off. I hate to cut them otherwise!
Yes, dahlias can be some work with planting, watering, deadheading, but name another flower that is so, so pretty and that last thru the summer so long?

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Ooooh very pretty! I love your dahlias too. Great color mix and variety of shapes. A big vaseful just can't help but brighten your day. Love the mix of roses and asters too.

NoH20: in the last photo bright blue vase- what is the dahlia to the right of the asters and the bud? Kind of a pinky/purple with blue tone.

And in the 11:57 photo vase with stars: what is the little yellow/pink bloom just below the singl aster, right in front? I love both of those, among others...

We also had a big brutal wind and rain all day. I got home so late from work that it was nearly dark but I did see several blooms I missed cutting last night fallen down and one plant I've been waiting for all season is now lying atop the rudbeckia next to it. It's a sign that the end is near. I'm already looking forward to next season LOL!

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Now, Annie, hands off her dahlias, LOL!
I see your eyes gleaming royally.
You had rain and wind all day? We sure didn't here in Oregon.
Too bad about your dahlias then. Am not looking forward to the bad weather. I still have a few late planted dahlias to bloom and want to see what they look like!!!

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for all the compliments but I can't take any credit. All I do is cut them and stick them into vases. Their natural beauty does the rest. I would love to grow a lot more - I have a wish list a mile long.

Poochella, the dahlia in the blue vase to the right of the asters and bud is 'Kenora Majestic'. This is the first time I have grown it and I really like it.

If the dahlia in this picture is the other one you asked about, it is 'Kingston', one of my favorites. There are some dahlias that I grow year after year, like 'Kingston' and 'Alfred Grille' and 'Chilson's Pride'. I just can't bear to give them up and I am always afraid I will lose those tubers over the winter and not be able to find them for sale anywhere. Some of the old favorites are harder and harder to find.

Thumbnail by NoH2O
Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Noh2o, you have the same attitude toward dahlias as me: I just tend them and let them show their own beauty. And beauties you have!

I'm pretty sure "Kingston" is on my list for next year- love the bright colors and size. It is just perfect. And thanks for the name of Kenora Majestic too.
Carol, not only were my eyes gleaming, but I had a fair amount of drooling going on too. Yes, 3.5 inches of rain in 24 hours, wind gusts of 30 I think I heard, with scattered power outages in the vicinty yesterday, but not here. Guess I won't need to water again this year. Yay. But I do have some fallen blooms to cut, and tippy stakes to reinforce. A zillion leaves down on driveway. Guess I should get busy LOL.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I lucked out - no frost last night. So I get at least another week of dahlia blooms.

Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

noh20, i glad you didn't get frost last night. i lucked out, too. we had a heavy fog. calling for nice weather the next few days. belinda

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