Besieged by invasives

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10a)

I am surrounded by neighbors with invasive plants (for Florida) including; air potato, running bamboo, Wedelia and Boston fern. I am tired of weeding them out of my yard (especially the bamboo). I dont use manufactured chemicals in my yard. Anyone have any methods that have worked for them to fend off invasive plants ? Do root barriers work?

Cleveland, OH

Root barriers will work for the bamboo...but you gotta go down 3 ft! I planted bamboo with a containment system sold by the new england bamboo company, and it works very well.

If you're looking for a good non-selective natural herbicide, Plain old distilled white vinegar (the 89 cents a gallon kind at the grocery) works wonders. While it only kills what it contacts you need to stay on top of the weeds and whenever they resprout respray and eventually the roots exhaust their energy. It also works best on hot sunny days and with a few drops of dish soap as a sticking agent.

Brisbane, Australia(Zone 10a)

Thanks bogman. I' try your recommendations out.

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