Snail Vine Questions

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Didn't I just get carried away reading the corkscrew vine Q & A? Thinking snail vine. I even went so far as to go out and take some cuttings of my snail vine in hopes of getting them to grow some roots.

I will be moving this winter and want to take my snail vine. I have been gathering seed from a lot of my plants to take with me, but have never seen a seed or pod on the snail vine.

Granted, I have only had this vine from last winter, a gift from Moda when I overwintered her mother plant. What does a seed, or seed pod look like? Maybe I am missing the visual, if it's there at all.

I hope to cut the vines from the main trunk to dig it to take north with me. I would also like to take cutting of all those vines growing on the trellis, just in case the main plant doesn't make the move.

Any suggestions on moving the plant and or/rooting cuttings?

Okay, I am only moving 5-6 hours drive north of here, but its a complete zone change from 10a to 9 something.

Any help is appreciated.


Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

There is a picture in the plantfiles that show the seeds. Here is a link. :~)

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

PM, thanks for the photo. But do you know, before they get to that stage, are they in a seed pod, similar to a pea or bean pod?

I am discovering there are many different ways for plants to produce their seeds.

I haven't seen anything that looks like the photos in the plant files on any part of my snail vines.


Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

They look like a long skinny green bean, and will turn brown when ripe. Here is a pic that Dave posted of the Corkscrew vine seedpod, which starts out the same way as the snail vine but gets fatter.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


Thanks for showing that. Now I know what to look for and I sure haven't seen any of those. I need to look through the mass of vines now.

Thanks so much,

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Sure! Hope you find some. :~)

Commerce, GA(Zone 8a)

Molly, I had a huge snail vine on the fence in Fl. I had only 2 tiny seed pods off that vine. I did take cuttings with me when I moved & it is still alive. It roots easily. Hope yours does ok.

Thumbnail by Melba_Ga
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you Melba, I am glad to hear that. I am trying to root some cuttings now.


Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Hmmm..........well, I found one of those little green bean looking things yesterday hanging on my vine, thought, "Wow! Is this a baby plantlet?" And then planted it!

Been spending too much time around my bryophyllums........[red-faced].............


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