Guess what the UPS man brought?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Happy, happy, joy, joy! My GH arrived today. Woohoo!!!!! I was doin' the happy dance as it was being unloaded, much to the bemusement of a (new) UPS driver. Poor guy, guess I need to break him in. (The guy that usually brings me stuff is accustomed to my doofy behavior when he brings me a box.)

Oh well, the driver was kind enough to place all 8 boxes on the back edge of my driveway, as close to the new location as possible, so I can start uncrating and sorting all the pieces.

Can't wait to get it all put together. But there's the little matter of a 15' tall Bradford Pear standing between me and a fully-erected GH. Wonder if I could sweet-talk that finicky chainsaw into starting up for little ol' me? (Oooohhhh noooooo - I'm starting to sound like some OTHER woman on this site. Eeeeekkkkk! I think Badseed has finally rubbed off on me ;o)

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

LOL Terry glad to here it arrived and cant wait to follow the progress!!
happy dancin here for ya cuz i know you will love it

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

I'm so glad for you Terry, watch out that happy dance doesn't get mistaken for a rain dance. Then that means mind should be arriving before long. Post pictures with your process of putting it together. I am dancing up and down for you.


(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

I just took the dogs outside to do there thing and I guess while I was in town this afternoon the UPS man made a delivery to my house. I happen to look in my husbands garage and there are all these boxes sitting in there. OMG am I an heaven.


Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

hah! Congrats! To both of ya!

You may have posted ordering them somewhere else but I guess I missed that. Was wondering what kind you ordered, how big, what features, etc!

Please, tell me more!!


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

'shoe, I orderd (and I think pugdogs did, too) the Rion 8.6 x 12.6 greenhouse from Sam's Club - two roof vents, one louvered vent, base and shade cloth and free shipping were all included in the just-under $1600 price ;o)

After four years of loyal (if a little breezy) service, my PVC/poly structure was getting terribly brittle at the joints, and would have had to be completely rebuilt. I figured it was time to join the ranks of "real" GH owners ;o)

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)


Sounds like you're gonna be all set up! Good going!

Will be looking forward to hearing about your enjoyment! (You're gonna love it!) :>)

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Terry, did you get rid of that tree yet? LOL My chainsaw wouldn't start yesterday so I had to chop down and chop up some maple branches with a pole saw and tree saw. The chipper/shredder worked just fine. :)
Did you get that tree down yet? ROTFLOL

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Badseed you are sooooo Bad.


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a) Truth be told, I'm a little ummm...welll...skeered of the chainsaw. (Kind of like motorcycles - fun to watch someone ELSE with one, but no desire to try to handle it myself.)

But all three menfolk (who are now 17, 20 and "old enough to be my DH") in my family know the GH is here and that tree is what is keeping me from putting it up. (And they know I'll keep nudging and hinting until they take care of it for me ;o)

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

Congrads on the new Greenhouse - can't wait to see it all put together!!

Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

Make sure you show pictures of the work in progress :)


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

will do!

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Terry what is your plans on sitting the base on? We are torn between a couple of things. My DH thinks we should consider making a cement base then attaching the base to it. I watched the CD they sent last night and I can't wait to get it going. We won't be able to start working on it until after the 20th of October. My DH has a fishing trip in Shreveport La. from the 1st thou the 10th of Oct. then another trip the 15th and 16th. Then I think he is all mine.


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Linda, I had my old GH on a turnaround "stub" portion of our concrete driveway for a couple years. It had some good points - easy to keep clean and a very sturdy/stable base to walk on and set a propane heater on.

But, it was harder (I think) to keep the GH heated on that pad, versus when we moved it to a level piece of ground behind the driveway (it got moved because we have two driving-age boys who need the area to park in.) And it was hard to seal the GH base (driveway slopes slightly, as all should for rain runoff), so the draftiness was bad plus it radiated cold at night. And it was hard to stand on for hours on end. (DH finally bought me some of those cushy foam pads you "click" together like 2x2 puzzle pieces, and made a walkway through the middle, because my knees and back would ache after a day of standing out there.)

I had a choice of putting this GH back on the pad or in the yard, and I chose to move it further out in the yard, and eventually put in a concrete or paving stone path to it, and incorporate it into the landscape with beds, bushes, and flowers.

To set it up, I'll do what I call "micro-leveling (we are in absolutely the FLATTEST part of Tennessee, so leveling is pretty easy unless you hit a root or rock) with fine gravel dust and/or sand and then use heavy-duty landscape fabric (at least two layers thick) as my "base." I have toyed with the idea of a layer of pea gravel, and may wind up adding it later on (it's super-cheap from a sand/gravel place that's a few miles away, so if I decide to add it later, it'll be fairly easy to do.)

DH has promised to get rid of the Bradford Pear on Sunday afternoon, so I'll spend Saturday organizing the parts and putting together the sections that can be pre-assembled. Hopefully - if the weather cooperates - I'll have it erected and functioning by this time next week ;o)

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Yea DH just wants to do the cement where the GH base can set on top of it and anchor it to it, then take landscape fabric and put on the floor then go with the pea gravel. I'm like you I think I will check around to find something to put down the middle to walk on. I like something smooth to walk on.

You will have yours up and running before I even get started. DH was talking about not going to La. because of the gas price, and I had my fingers crossed, but then his buddy talked him into it. Oh will, maybe he will get lucky and win some money, that's a joke between him and me. As long as he has fun.


Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

ok ok the tree down are the parts sorted? wheres the pics!!

hows it going Terry? i cant wait to see .........

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Not yet...tomorrow the parts get sorted and as much of it pre-assembled as I can. Sunday afternoon the tree is to come down ;o)

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

PIcs Pics!! Where are the PICS???

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Whew! I'm in for break #1. The pieces are (more or less) sorted and counted, and the bottom of the GH (not the base) is assembled and (nearly) "perfectly rectilinear"

Next step is to build the roof. I'll snap some pics as we go and upload all of them at once...

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)


Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

I have a greenhouse on my "Someday Wish list" and I'm waiting to watch the progress too!


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Terry, if it makes you feel any greenhouse is completely dissasembled! LOL We took my roof to the new house in 2 pieces. I put it back together when we got there. The rest of my greenhouse is in two big boxes in the driveway. I'll have to get some lumber out there to rebuild it. I want to build it up off the ground again to give me that 8' roof. :)

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

'chele, mine is *almost* together. It's sitting on the driveway, waiting to be moved to its final home either today or tomorrow, then the doors will go on. (The Bradford Pear tree is down, but we need to do the final leveling to set the base.)

The only part of the assembly that didn't work according to their plan was the roof panels. Now maybe I just didn't have enough faith in their directions to do them exactly as they specified (which was after the glazing went on and the roof went up), but we read, then re-read the directions, peered at the diagrams, argued with ourselves, tried to put one in per their instructions, went back and read some more, and finally watched the "video" (which wasn't a video, but simply pictures????) After all that, we wound up putting them together "our way" (which worked, thanks to the engineering minds and brute force of three 17-20 year olds; my two boys and a friend ;o)

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

did i miss the pictures?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

No, they're still on my camera!

It's been a really busy couple of weeks. (Kids on fall break tend to disrupt my whole schedule ;o)

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

LOL understand boy do i understand!!! :)

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