Trois & Family, Patischell and All

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Rita : Deepest Heartfelt Thank you's...

Just a note to all of you who work so hard on posting all the helpful info on the recent hurricane Rita threads .

My family would like to extend a deep heartfelt Thank You to Trois & his wonderful family for taking my family & large ZooCrew into their home for safety from Rita this past week. They are incredible people and we are so fortunate to have been able to spend time with them .

We had a very hectic and weary experience with this storm because we unexpectedly were unable to get out of harms way, until I touched base with the DG and the weather forum. I found prayers, well wishes and information that lead to a safe haven thanks to Patischell keeping us posted on the weather updates and everyone else posting much need suggestions & helpful information not found on the local TV stations.

Thanks to Dave & Trish for having a place like DG's that goes far above it's original intended gardening purpose. This really is an amazing community, not just for a select few but for everyone!

Thank you each and everyone for every prayer and post you made.

MsC & The ZooCrew

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

(((MsC & Family)))

We know what you mean. We're not in a hurricane situation, but someone from DG stepped up to the plate during what is an emotional storm in our lives, offering us a place to stay when Howie and I spend the 6-8 weeks of his back surgery and recovery time near Johns Hopkins in January.

We'll be staying with Dea and her husband. DG is an incredible blessing, all around!

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks for the hugs Gw, I know I could really use them right now!
It does feel really good to be homea again .

The thoughts, prayers and action of fellow DGers is amazingly refreshing considering the world we live in today.
Many folks would not have offered there home to so many animals or extra people in such a serious situation and we felt so welcomed and were treated so well that we hope to continue a long friendship with Trois & family.


Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

They were very good company and Lottie cooked a very good pot roast. The animals were well behaved and were no trouble at all. It's kind of lonesome around here now.


The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Trois we enjoyed our visit so much and be sure to thank your incredible son & darling DIL for letting us invade them .

We look forward to seeing you guys soon, under less stressful situations! :)

I've just about found the floor here and have returned most everything to a more "normal order"!
You & Bobbie are welcomed to cure that loneliness anytime you are ready to stretch your legs.

Hugs to you both,

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

Have you reconsidered about Easter?

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Haha...NO WAY!
Easter is a lovely fellow but he looks very happy there with the other critters...

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

I thought so.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I thought you were inviting MsC and clan out for Easter dinner or something! Who's Easter, a pig?

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

A high stepping, loud crowing, one eyed, rooster.
Lottie's DH wanted Easter. He hangs around people and was an Easter chicken.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Ahhh! Sounds cool.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Nowt ~ but smiles for the rooster. they can make good pets. (((for all))) Blooms

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