Anyone want to trade for 'Blue Bonnet'?

Crossville, TN(Zone 6b)

I traded for Hydrangea macrophylla 'Blue Bonnet' this summer. She sent 2 extras. If anyone is interested I would love any dwarf hydrangea or 'Beni Gaku' , sun goddess (I lost these 2)or 'Ayesha'. I would want rooted plants. This link should take you to my hydrangea trade page. If not, then just follow the trail where RDT is.
Blue Bonnet is about 8 inches tall.
Does anyone have a good image of this? I am not finding any on Google. Here is the info I collected:
H.m. ‘Blue Bonnet’ (Marchant) - A free-flowering mophead which 'blues' easily in acid soil. Free-flowering tallish variety with medium sized flowers. Growth is somewhat lax on young plants. Flowers age to shades of blue-green and purple.
Description: Deciduous, bushy shrub that produces dense, domed heads of rich blue or pink flowers over a long period and bluer on acid soils. Does well in sun or shade if kept moist and well-fed; dead-head and prune to fat buds in spring.
Ultimate Height: 1.5 meters after 10 years
Flowering Period: This plants flowers in the North Hemisphere around July - September
Thanks, Linda

Tremont, IL(Zone 5b)

I only have Annebelle, but was wondering if you still have one left if you would consider trading for a hosta?

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