
Bergeforsen, Sweden

I´ll have around 160 hoyas, and right now this for trade:

Anulata, arnottiana, australis, australis ssp. keysii, bella, bella variegata, bella albomarginata, calycina, carnosa, carnosa ´tricolor´,carnosa krinkle-8, compacta, cv.Minibelle, diptera, diversifolia, fungii, glabra, heuschkeliana, kentiana, sp. kuching/ba, kuhlii, lacunosa ´tove´, lacunosa, limoniaca, linearis, loherii, meliflua, micrantha, multiflora, neoebudica, nummularioides, obovata, obscura, pacyclada, parviflora, pentaphlebia, polyneura, puber syn picta, pubicalyx ´pink silver´, retusa, salweenica, sherperdii, thomsonii, tsangii, wayetii, verticillata syn parasitica, vitellina syn. Fuscomarginata

I´m interested in this:
hybrids, bicolor, carnosa ´grey ghost´, carnosa ´lime green´cv. ´chouke, davidcummingii, fraterna, dennisii, archboldiana, macgillivrayii, imperalis and then some... :)


This message was edited Sep 23, 2005 2:26 PM

Royalla, Australia

Hi Marie, I am in Australia and would be interested in trading with you for this item that you are wanting to trade, one problem though I do not have any of the items that you have listed. I can offer you though Bergonia cocktail mix, australian natives, calla white/yellow. I have all of the above as seed. It it seed that you have for trade? I will have to check with Australian quarantine on Monday to see if I am able to take into the country the hoyas as seed. Please let me know as if you are interested in doing this and I am able I would love to trade with you.

I am only new to Daves Garden, but have a nursery on my property here in Australia and grow calla for retail sale.

I would love to hear from you.

Royalla, Australia

Hi Marie, I have just done a quick reference check with Australian Quaratine online and even the botanical name is not registering with them. I will have to wait until Monday to contact them directly by telephone to see if I am able to trade with you for this plant seed. I have just done a google search on the plant and it looks lovely. I still would love to hear from you about whether you would like to trade for different items than you have listed.
Thankyou for your patience
Cheers Windale

Prescott, AZ

Hi Marie,
Tami in the Hoya Forum. I would love to trade, but I think we would get caught. Christina snuck some in to me, in a bubble wrap photo mailer. YIPPEE Where have you all been? Haven't seen any of you on the Forum lately. Probabley out buying Hoya's......LOL Is your Heuschkeliana the pink or the yellow flower?

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