2005 Fall Conference of The AHSC

Louisville, KY

The second annual Fall Conference of The Appalachian Heirloom Seed Conservancy is slated for October 21-23. Bill Best has graciously made the Sustainable Mountain Agriculture Center, in Berea, Kentucky, available to us, again, for this year’s conference.

The Sustainable Mountain Agriculture Center (SMAC) is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to teach others how to have sustainable farms on small acreage. As such, it is an ideal location for us, because it is compatible with our mission to preserve the edible plants and sustainable agricultural practices of the mountain South.

Although last year’s conference is a hard act to follow, this one is liable to top it, given the line-up of speakers.
The Program
Friday, October 21:
6:00 PM onwards: Early bird reception and meet & greet. AHSC will provide cold drinks and snacks.

Saturday, October 22:
8:00 AM. Registration
8:00-10:00 AM. Seed Swap and sales.
10:00-11:00 AM. Julie Maruskin, on Kentucky’s heirlooms in the library project.
11:00-12:00 PM. Tom Greenwood, on growing multiplying onions.
12-1:30 PM. Break for lunch, tours of Berea. Concurrent AHSC Advisory Board meeting.
1:30-3:30 PM. Merlyn Neidens, with a double session on the mechanics of seed saving
3:30-5:00 PM. Market growers round-table discussion. Concurrent tours of the SMAC facility.
5:30-6:00 PM. Brook Elliott, on the current state of AHSC
6:00-7:00 PM. Donna Hudson, keynote address on regional heirloom beans.
7:00 PM. Group dinner, provided by AHSC along with pot luck dishes brought by members.
8:00 PM onwards. Informal get-together.

Sunday, October 23:
8:00-10:00. AM. Seed swap and sales.
10:00-11:00 AM. Debra Larkin, on the Shaker seed industry.
11:00-12:00 PM. Rita Smart, on preserving the heirloom harvest.
12:00-1:00 PM. Break for lunch
1:00 PM onwards. John Stang, on regional heirloom fruit growing.

As you can see, it’s quite a line-up of speakers and events, so you won’t want to miss it.

There are a few changes in how the conference will be run, this year, not the least of which are registration fees. AHSC subsidized last year’s conference, but, obviously, we cannot continue doing that. So members, as well as non-members, will pay a registration fee this time. Note, however, that if you pre-register before October 1, the fee is lower.

Another change is the meal structure. AHSC will foot the bill for the Friday reception and Saturday dinner. Sunday we will have a light luncheon available on-site, for those who don’t want to travel into town, but there will be a charge for it. We’re hoping, too, that members will bring pass-along dishes Saturday night, as many did last time.

The cookout last year was so successful we’ve decided to repeat it. Saturday’s dinner will be barbecued burgers, chicken, and brats, along with the usual salads and chips. Plus any pot-luck dishes members bring. We have means of cooling and heating such dishes, so don’t be afraid of spoilage.

There are both reasonable and high-priced motels and campgrounds in the Berea area. Details will be provided in the registration kits, which is another reason to pre-register. Plus Berea, the crafts capital of Kentucky, has plenty to see and do, so the conference should be thought of as a family destination, even for those members not interested in heirloom growing.

Here are the details on attendance:
Registration: Members: $5/pre-registration by October 1; $8 at the door. Non-members: $15 flat fee, which is applied against membership if they decide to join at the conference. Non-members (other than family) are not invited to the Friday reception.

Friday reception: Cold drinks, snacks, hors d’oeuvres. No fee.
Saturday dinner: Drinks, barbecue, salads provided by AHSC. $5/person. AHSC will host those members who are giving presentations.
Sunday lunch: Cold cuts, chips, salads, and soup if appropriate. $3/person.

Open to all members at no cost. We will have tents and tables available. Please bring your own chairs, if possible, so we don’t have to rent them.


October 21-23.
Sustainable Mountain Agriculture Center, Berea, Kentucky

Member name ____________________________________________________

Street ____________________________________________________________

City ___________________________ State _____ Zip ____________________

Phone________________________________ Email _______________________

Number of members attending @ $5 each: ______

Number of non-members attending @ $15 each: ______

Number attending Saturday cook-out @ $5/each: ______

Number attending Sunday luncheon @ $3/each: ______

Total enclosed: $______

Please make checks payable to Appalachian Heirloom Seed Conservancy

{ } I intend bringing seeds for the seed swap programs.

{ } I am planning to bring a pass-along dish for Saturday’s dinner.

{ } I can help prepare the food for Saturday’s dinner.


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

That is certainly an appealing agenda! Wish I could attend.

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