New Blooms

Mt Zion, IL(Zone 5b)

Just sharing a few new blooms for today: this is "RD's Gleam"....

Thumbnail by BetsyJ
Mt Zion, IL(Zone 5b)

...this is Rob's Mango Mongo....

Thumbnail by BetsyJ
Mt Zion, IL(Zone 5b)

...and this is "Rob's Miss Sniffles".

Wish my camera took better close ups. =(

This message was edited Sep 22, 2005 1:56 PM

Mt Zion, IL(Zone 5b) really THIS is "Rob's Miss Sniffles".

Edited to add the picture (duh)

This message was edited Sep 22, 2005 1:56 PM

Thumbnail by BetsyJ
Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Gorgeous plants! Thank you for sharing your pics. :)


Graham, NC(Zone 8a)

Hi Bets :)

Now I know what my RD Gleam is going to look like....hopefully :) Thank you!!


DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

lol @ rob's names.

Miss Sniffles is really quite precious. what a cutie.

Mt Zion, IL(Zone 5b)

Hey Eric!
Yep - the one I sent you should look exactly like that because they came from the same mother leaf! It really is pretty - hope you enjoy!

Dunedin, FL(Zone 10b)

Hi I fount this posting and I have to say Beautifu plants :))
I really like the variegation and colored flowers of
~ Rob's Mango Mongo ~ Oh how I would love some leaves of this plant. Anyone in the Easter Bunny Swap have this beautiful plant ?
Do you still have it Betty ! Allison

Mt Zion, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi Allison! thanks for the kind words. Yes, I still have fact, it's just gettin' ready to come back into bloom, too!
GAH! Don't TEMPT ME with that Easter Bunny Swap!! I have read it over and over and I would love to participate but...oh my gosh, I have absolutely NO MORE ROOM! I can't find room for the violets I already have and I've got a dozen leaves down now. Egads....I'm still tempted! LA LA LA LA LA (I'm trying not to think about it!!!)
DM me about leaves for MangoMongo!

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Very pretty plants Betsy.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ooooohhhhh..... Betsy!! What beautiful violets!

Please come play with us! If you send out a couple of violets, that'll make room for a couple of new ones, right? You could be our lucky number 10! ;-)

Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

Nice plants....Please join the Easter Bunny Swap :)

Silver Spring, MD

Love the dark outlining of RD's Gleam. Very beautiful. I agree with everyone. Come join the fun this Spring.


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