Hurricane Rita - Thread #6

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Here's where we were:

Here's NOAA:

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Don't forget to check out Dave's new member map!


Newark, OH(Zone 5a)

You may want to fix your link in thr previous thread Pati. It does not show up as a hyper link.

Santa Fe, TX(Zone 9b)

It looks like the forecast path is moving further East. Too much uncertanty, what to do? Still no opened roads, now they say it will be 6 or 7 am to get all roads going out. How hard can it be? They are moving in gas trucks and National Guard for stranded cars. They are using the opposite lanes. They could use the access lanes.??

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Thanks Howie, Weeds caught it and fixed it for me. I always forget to leave that space.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Good idea Howie!

Hey Lisa what are you going to be at stay at your house not good idea so,

MINI are u all decide to go where ? Please let me know ok as well you know we worry about you all.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Trois, they just had an update on MSNBC. They seem to think it's beginning to lose some strength. I don't know if that will effect your decision, but it's a glimmer of hope! Remember Katrina was a Cat 5 at one time, but came in as a Cat 4.

They just announced it's a Cat 4!

This message was edited Sep 22, 2005 2:02 PM

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Yeah, Katrina did come in as a Cat 4, and look at the destruction!

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

We are still here and boarding up windows.. almost done and DH thinks he had about having heat stroke.. and we think we have to leave to go to Shebyville, TX to my bro house.. It is more west safe than go east. While I typing this..I was tearing.. ONly here is DH, my 3 kids and Me and ofc my dogs..

RedRose.. WE will not go to BR.. My sis Lacey sold her trailer and moved out this week.. NO place to go but we just got email from my bro in Shebyville TX and tell us to go his house!

Good news it 's cat 4 now.. we are on high ground.. no plm with flood but the creek is on west of us.

Will post before we leave..

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

Trois, I heard that I-45 is finally all north now. When I checked at noon (drove over there) it looked like it was about to happen - NO southbound traffic on the hwy, but plenty on the feeder. Maybe they've gotten the people routed over now.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Darius, you're right, but maybe it will continue to weaken as it comes out of the deep hot water into more shallow hot water. There's more of a chance of bringing cooler water to the surface as it rotates.

One interesting thing that I learned about in Katrina. Max Mayfield said once Katrina was a Cat 5 at sea, she generated her storm surge at that point. Even though she was a Cat 4 at landfall, the storm surge remained a Cat 5 storm surge.

I'm sure you remember how in Florida they always preach about the water being the real killer...."Hide from the wind, RUN from the water"

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

Yeah, they commented about that last night, said that even as hurricanes weaken, it takes a while for the surge potential to weaken.

New Iberia, LA(Zone 9a)

Ok good Mini that good to know where to go at your brother please be safe that will be so long traffic just be careful to make sure if you all go TX to make sure have drink and food in your car that way not have to worry also fill up gas so let us know when u all get there over there ok.

I bet you forgot to tell about where are Mary Jane and Bill go to? We want to know where all the families go to that way we know ok. My parents will come ride with us they can't take care of themselves as well old age also they can't drive far due the health problems.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Well, just spoke to my parents in Fredericksburg (90 miles SW of Austin) and they live in the country. Their house has lots of windows and lots of trees around that can come up and fly thru. My dad is out cutting off branches and my step mom is cleaning toilets and bathtubs (to put water in). They have a well, so if the electricity goes out (which it does very easily out there) then they will need to use the bathtub water for flushing and whatnot. They reminded me of when we lived in Sugar Land in 1983 when Alicia came thru and how we had no power for several days. It was a Cat 3.

I am pretty sure that Austin will scate by...but there is no water left at the stores and bread and stuff is gone. DH thinks everyone in Austin is overreacting...including me. I feel bad for y'all in LA...the dang thing looked bound for TX for sure and so we were prepared, but now...looks like it is going toward LA. I have friends in Lake Charles...the Darlings. Do anyone of you LA peeps know the Darlings?

(Zone 8b)

Just got back from the grocery store - my routine shopping trip. the bread shelves were almost empty and the water was going fast. More cars in the car park than normal - about twice the number, and there were queues at Walmart for Gas.
All that and we are west of Dallas so should now miss most of it. I suspect a touch of panic buying.

This message was edited Sep 22, 2005 1:27 PM

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Okus...that is odd....we have lots of panic here in Austin too. My sis said the grocery stores are out of water, bread etc. I tell you, I really think we here in austin are going to miss all the fireworks. It is moving away from our area every minute.

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

Remember that a lot of people are taking refuge there too, so they are buying food to get them by and then to take back home with them pehaps.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8b)

Lots more people are coming into San Antonio (remember, we still have many from Katrina here). Panic here too, although they are saying that we'll only get maybe 4 inches of rain.

Dave and Jorge went to the store at 11 last night (Jorge needed some stuff). No bread, no water, hardley any soda- no canned veggies. Gas lines were at least 10 cars deep at every pump. We haven't bothered to venture out today. We have enough. Everything that we've read says that the whole city is like this. Many are stocking up, not just for them, for for family and friends who will be evacuating to SA.

Our little community here is really bad about losing power in storms, so we expect to loose power this time as well. Of course, this is no biggie.

Hey Saint ... y'all be careful out there. The rest of you too! It's crazy and people are going to be driving crazy and doing crazy things. It's all been said before, but y'all just stay safe, and know we're all here praying. ... Elaine

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Maggie and Trish, ah yes, hadn't thought about the peeps getting food b/c they have evacuees staying with them. Well, all the stores in Austin are out of water. I had just bought a bunch of water at Sams and really, our tap water tastes pretty good so I'll fill up some containers. I bet we will lose electricity as well.

Maggie, where are you anyway? Did you say you were going to hunker down at home?

Elaine, I'm concerned about Saint, her DH and dog. They were heading out for Dallas today and the roads are so congested. I can't get thru to TXdot to get info on the highways she asked about. So if you hear from her, will you dmail me pls?


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Rita is only traveling 9mph is approximately 48 hours away from Galveston since it is 435 miles SE of Galveston. What does it mean when a hurricane slows down like that? It has winds of 150mph now which is good...rather than 170, right?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

For one thing, it means much more rain. Forecasts now are up to 25 INCHES of rain!

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

Michelle, yes, my son is coming up from Houston and we're hunkering here.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Has anyone heard from Vossner, MsCritterkeeper, BrugNanny, WillowWasp, or Rose18?

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

darius, where so they think is going to get the 25 inches of rain?
maggie, excellent...hunkering down is good.

It is raining in New Orleans. It like has a magnet there pulling Rita toward her or something.

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)

vossner and dh are staying put.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Michele, I was only half paying attention to the TV sound behind me, so I apologize for not knowing. I DO know my experience with slow hurricanes is that they dump a :OT of rain everywhere, so it may be a moot point.

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

I live 54 miles from Beaumont in Tyler County. All counties south of us have mandatory evacuation and word just came through that Tyler Co now has advised evacuation. Problem is the traffic is bumper to bumper going north from La. Galveston, Houston, Beaumont traffic. No gas is available and traffic is one way NORTH with no turn offs. Where does one go on one tank of gas? All shelters are full, there are no stores with water, non perishable types of food etc. We will wait till tomorrow and maybe the traffic from farther south will have cleared out by then. Then we will head out. There is too much congestion now. Right now we are taking up things like bird feeders or anything that can become windborn and cause damage. I've got to get everything out of the carport like gardening tools, weedeater, leafblower, etc. I do have all my meds., clothes, food, the cats' food, litter etc ready so we can just take off. I'm not bothering to water today since the yard will get more than a good soaking if Rita sends us the 100 plus mph winds they are expecting here with all the rain. Jenny

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks darius for thinking of me.
(MsCritterkeeper or MsC as some know me).... we are staying put here for the time being....

We like Trois have a choice of the lesser of 2 evils.
Hubby was not released from his job at a local hospital until late lastnight.:(
We are staying until there is a REAL chance we can get somewhere other than the blocked Hwys... many, many things to consider.

I did talked to Rose 318 & they are leaving at the first chance...can't help with the others I don't know about them.

Keep us, as well as everyone effected by this storm in your prayers please.

Thanks to all who are praying for us. We will pray for everyone too!

It's very scarey!!!


L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Sometimes I think that in a way, it is just a well that they can't forecast earthquakes. The stores and the roads are crowded enough as it is. I can't even imagine the scene if they called for an evacuation here. I don't even know what place could absorb the millions of people in the L.A. area. There was a time when I was disappointed in how cold the ocean is out here, but it is also too cold to support hurricanes, and that is a good thing.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the update, MsC... I'd hate to be stranded on the highway. What a mess they have made of that! Go when you can, and STAY SAFE!

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

there you are MsC! I was wondering how you're faring and if you had headed inland and what you would be doing with all the critters. I hope all goes well for you.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6a)

Lisa, it's 4 guys made a decision? Sorry, but I'm anxious for you :(


East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

hello all. I'm either staring at the PC or watching HGTV. Made DH a fine lunch today, just in case we have to go on a "tuna and crackers" diet. (laughing nervously...)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

You took the words out of my mouth, Dea. I was just about to post that. Thanks for checking in, MsC, and for updating what you knew.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Vossner, you are in a bad area, and right now evac. looks like a standstill. Hunker down if you cannot get out tomorrow.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

weather report from my neck of the woods: incredibly hot (97), hazy and lightly breezy. I live in a 60 house subdivision, seems like all the families w/ small children left & about 65% is staying put. Nothing else going on, no gas, businesses are closed today and tomorrow.

The only other peculiar thing I noticed is that there weren't any hummers hovering around my feeders.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Keyring... we are as safe as we can be, under the situation. We can not get inland because of the traffic... the roads out are all blocked by traffic.
The ZooCrew is locked down and a stationary Noahs' Ark at the moment. Pray for us!

No motels no hotels for for Rose 318 in Texas available ....if anyone hears of something let me/her know. She has animals & a small child.

We have several places to go but getting to any of them will be as life threatening as the storm itself.
One thing to consider is the traffic jams that are here, will be where ever they are going... so

I'll chcek in long as we have service.


Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Frannie emailed me yesterday, they were heading north.

Michelle ... I'll let you know the nim I talk to Saint. K? I don't understand why they let the roads get in such a mess. Surely they know when they call for an evac that's what's going to happen? I mean ... that many pepe ... running out of gas ... blocking roads, etc. Bad planning, I should think. Oh my ... worrying and praying! ... Elaine

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