Can you help save the life of a lilac????

Oak Park, IL

I have a Miss Kim lilac bush in my front yard that is very sick. It's leaves have turned yellow and developed brown spots on them. They don't appear or feel dried out. I am in Zone 5. This bush bloomed this spring, but not profusely because it is in only partial sun. I am a novice gardener but I thought it might be a soil nutrient deficiency, I have tried fertilizing it with an organic fertilizer made for flowers. Does anyone recognize this problem? I would really like to save the bush and would appreciate any advice. Thanks!

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Might be Iron Chlorosis

Do you have a pic?


Oak Park, IL

Thanks for responding. It has been diagnosed as leaf spot. We have had horrible humidity all summer in Chicago. This combined with the heat has made this a common problem for lilacs this year. I think that since it's in the front of the house, and humidity is always a problem here in the summer, I will move it and replace it with something that can better withstand the conditions.


Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Well good...glad you have the diagnosis. Hope you find a good home somewhere else in your yard.
I dearly love lilacs :-)

Hmmm, I just found this other thread here on your Miss Kim Lilac Bush. If you don't mind my asking, who diagnosed your plant with leaf spot. Leaves spot, yes... but they do so for many reasons. I hope you didn't have to pay for somebody to come out and look at your bush to get a diagnosis of leaf spot. Sort of liking going to a doctor and being told you have cancer but you aren't told what kind. Depending on what is causing the leaves to spot, merely moving the tree may not be enough. I do live in Illinois and I am not all that far from you and Bacterial Blight has been a big problem this year because of the temps and the humidity but obviously there are other factors. I guess what I am saying is that if you payed for that diagnosis pf official sounding "leaf spot" and were never told what type of leaf spot you have, simply moving the lilac bush may not be enough. Here is the other thread you started with comments that you may or may not have seen-

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