My snap bean leaves are pale green

Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

I planted some snap beans in a half barrel that had a pumpkin growing in it before. The beans are flowering and seem to be growing fine but their leaves are a paler shade of green than my other snap beans. What did the pumpkin use up from the soil and how should I add it back in? Thanks, folks.

Ottawa, KS(Zone 5b)

Pale green is usually associated with a shortage of nitrogen, but the pumpkin probably depleted most of the nutrients. I would suggest application of a soluble complete nutrient formula like Miracle-Gro Tomato food, diluted one tablespoon per gallon and applied as a soil drench. You could also apply it as a foliar feed to the leaves, but you would need to dilute it weaker to one teaspoon per gallon.


Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

Thank you, MM. I wasn't sure what to do so I put some all-purpose slow release plant food and drenched it with fish fertilizer. The newer leaves look a little darker but now I'll try a complete nutrient formula.

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