Second Thanksgiving Robin

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

You just go to the website. In the red banner on top there is a selection for "Print a Shipping Label" You then need to download their program which is safe and virus/ad/spyware free. It's not a major program, just one for their lables and such. Then create an account (signin password etc.) if you want to pay for postage they will ask you at the end otherwise you just print out a label and take it to the post office to pay for postage. It has a scanner barcode and tracking info on the label which is why you probably need to download their program also. Hope this helps!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Do you have to have some type of special paper or sticky label to print it on?


Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

Butting in .... I just use plain paper and cut it out and tape it around the edges, works great for me and costs less. You can buy special labels to print on, but kind of pricey for me.

This is all I use now if I want to send priority, you still have to use the p.o. if you want first class, or media.

Works great!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

That's all I use, plain paper and tape it on around the sides.

Here is the conf # before I forget again to post it:
0103 8555 7496 1045 8311


Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Judy, looks like it's on its way to you! Keep a lookout. :)


Milo, ME(Zone 4a)

thanks for info i gotta try it thanks you both

Mars Hill, NC(Zone 6a)

I received my package today. How cool and many thanks to all who contributed. It is so hard to make a decision on what to keep. Will add and pass on tomorrow.
Thanks to you all

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Well, you could keep it all and add all new stuff! ;)


Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Okay, Amy has received it and is now mailing it on. Tina, keep a lookout!


Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Tina, have you received it?


Sumner, WA(Zone 8a)

Hehe...Gwendalou, it looks like this box may be post-Thanksgiving for us, eh? I'm thinking it may make it to me by my birthday (12/3)...that'd be a nice surprise. Yesterday, I picked up another cute little Thanksgiving item at a craft show to add to the booty. I'm really looking forward to this one!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

It's still gotta get thru 4 more people before it gets to you, Tiffany! I d-mailed Tina to check on the status so hope to hear from her soon.


Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Tina said she was mailing the box back out tomorrow (11/15), so, Susan, be on the lookout ! Let us know when you get it and post photos of what you keep!


Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

Wow, me already????? So excited.....!!!!

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

Hi! I received the box today. I was very pleased with what I chose to keep. I kept all the candles (I am a candle freak) and a really cute little notebook with pen. A couple of artificial squash to put in my thanksgiving decorations as well as a little figurine. I took about 4 packs of seeds, 4o'clocks, lettuce, snapdragons.

I have the box repacked, could really have used a flat rate box, but figured the next person might not want to do that so I am just paying the extra postage. LOL

It will go out tomorrow to Doris!
I have enjoyed this!

Thumbnail by 9kittymom
Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

Here is a picture of the contents of the box before I took out what I am keeping.

Thumbnail by 9kittymom
Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Wow, it has changed quite a bit from when I orig sent out! Neat! Thanks for sending the photos.

I think it's okay to use a flat rate box if you want. I can't remember what I orig sent it out in - I thought it was flat rate, but maybe not. But if you want to use that, that's fine. If the next person doesn't want to, they can put it in a different box!

Okay, Doris, it's on its way to you!!!


Victorville, CA

OO! OO! OO! I'm after Doris!!!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Juli............................, It's in the mail!
Robin came this morning, took out a few, added a few and trotted off to the postoffice! It should arrive Weds. Doris

Sumner, WA(Zone 8a)

Happy Thanksgiving RR'ers! :-}

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope those of you who the box has been to have fun using your new T-day things!!!


Victorville, CA

It didn't make it by T-day but that's ok, in the pic. it looks like it is stuff that could be used almost for C-day too. The other T-day robin didn't make it all the way around either. Sometimes that happens. It's the fun of it anyways. I'm still looking for it, was there a confirm # on it?

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Has it arrived yet? I have the confirmation number, it was mailed Nov 21.
Confirmation number: 0304 3490 0002 4313 9119

Let me know, Thanks, Doris

Sumner, WA(Zone 8a)

woo-hoo! I'm after Juli...and it may just make it to me by my birthday (Saturday!). I'm soooo excited! I can't wait to exchange and send it on to gwendalou! :-}

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

I checked the confirmation number. It said "accepted".
Item delivered 1:46 PM November 26 in Victorville, California, 92392.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Tiffany - your b-day is Saturday? Happy birthday! What do you plan to do to celebrate?

How do you like our cold weather? Brrrrrr! It is *almost* cold enough to snow here. I wish it would - it would be so pretty. All we're getting is wet and slushy stuff tho. Some blue skies today and the past few days, which is pretty.


Sumner, WA(Zone 8a)

Well, the hubby said he'd take me out for dinner and a movie; we'll see.

I'm not too crazy about the cold weather. Been bundling up. Have a 30-mile drive each way to/from have to add extra time for car defrosting in the morning. BRRRRR! :-D'd help if I got my winter gloves, hat, and ice scraper out of storage. Maybe I should spend my birthday doing that? LOL!!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Happy Birthday! Meantime, where is the robin? We know it was delivered. I hope she is not ill.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I have d-mailed her to make sure she got it. I asked her to post here, so hopefully we'll hear from her soon! She may have gone out of town for the Thanksgiving holiday and just is not caught up yet. I hope it gets to you by your birthday, Tiffany!


Victorville, CA

Hi all! I have been living in a soap opera lately. Among other things, my daughter had her baby on Mon. and after two days in labor and other complications barring the toxemia and high blood pressure they got to come home. She sure is a precious little bundle and a blessing. So sorry not to have posted. I did receive the box and it will go out today. I will never again think that my life is hohum boring. And remember to be careful of what you wish for...

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Juli, so glad to hear about the baby! I didn't know you were 'expecting.' LOL Are you a first-time grandma?

Glad everything is okay and that they are both home.


Victorville, CA

No this is her second baby. Another precious litlle girl. This time things were a little rougher though. I had to run her in yesterday when I got home from work because her feet swelled up and her blood pressure went way up. I thought that would be done once the baby is delivered but the Dr. said this could go on for two weeks after delivery. He put her on meds. to help to deal with school and my DH's health. Sorry to have strayed off topic. I'm still here but just a little absent. After today, I think I'm caught up on the robins I've joined except the 11-month one which was a little more labor intensive.

Victorville, CA

Ok here's the confirm# 03041560000556042780
on its way to you Gwen. Thanks for a wonderful robin!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

What a wonderful precious early Christmas present you recieved! I'm sorry your daughter had such a rough time before delivery, but no ill effects on the baby? What is her name?

Bartlesville, OK(Zone 6a)

Confused????? I thought it was supposed to go to Tiffany after Juli???

Sumner, WA(Zone 8a) it skipping me?? Now I'm bummed. Boo-hoo. :~{

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

It was supposed to go to Tiffany. Tiffany, if it comes to me, I'll just send it back to you w/out even opening it, okay?

How was your birthday?


Sumner, WA(Zone 8a)

Oh, cool! I was soooo bummed to see it was skipping me. I realized I've been a bit sad* -- I've been checking this thread quite regularly to see how close it is to reaching me.

*Sad as in nothing much going on in my life! I've totally been looking forward to this RR!

My birthday was nice. Craig took me out to a Greek restaurant for dinner, then we went and saw Aeon Flux. Sunday we went to a tree farm and got our Christmas tree. :-)

Unfortunately, he got his eye poked by a pine needle when he was cutting down the tree and has to go to the eye doc this morning. It's all red and a bit swollen. Poor guy!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Owie! I bet it was something in the needle like pollen or sap or something that is irritating is eye more than the actual poke. You know how fragrant that stuff is - it must have something in it! I got our tree(s) to on Sunday. I picked up two. I have always wanted a tree in our dining room. This is the first house I've ever lived in as an adult that had a separate dining room. About 30 years ago, I even bought ornaments for a DR tree and have been saving them all these years. So altho the DR is too small for a tree , I got one anyway. I got a narrower one than for the living room. I haven't put it in there yet - I'm hoping it fits! I'll probably never do it again, but thought just this one year, our first year in this new house, I'm going all out. Dh doesn't know it, but am planning to go back and get another tree for the kitchen nook also. LOL And we put up a skinny fake charlie brown tree in our family room, which is our 'fishing room' and is decorated just in fly-fishing ornaments. That room also houses the fishing Santa collection.

I have two other table top fake trees and will probably put them in the kids' rooms as I have run out of rooms. The LR will actually have two trees as we have a rustic fake pine tree thing that I keep up year round and decorate seasonally. I think I'm going to punch holes in the xmas cards that we receive and hang them on that this year. I'm relocating it so it won't stand right next to the real xmas tree.

How was Aeon Flux? It hasn't been getting good reviews around here, but I love Charlize so want to see it. Don't know if it'll come to our little theater or not, we don't get everything. I saw Serenity this past weekend, which was really an unknown and surprisingly good. Tomorrow night Capote starts and then on Friday Prime. I usually go to see everything since I work there as a volunteer and we get in free. The ticket takers are all volunteers. I really enjoy it. And I love movies, so see them all, and it really helps $$$ to get in free (family gets in free too).

Okay, now I have to get off my butt and go put the Thanksgiving decorations away so I can decorate for xmas. I'm having a wreath-making tea party here Friday and I think people will expect me to have Thanksgiving put away. LOL


Sumner, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL! I love that you have so many trees. I bet your house is very magical at Christmas time. I just love the smell of the fresh cut trees (what I refer to as my 'giant air freshener!).

I have to call home to see how the eye appt. went...I am thinking that he scratched the surface and probably got some of the pollen or sap in there too.

Yes the reviews for Aeon Flux were horrible. I heard that one reviewer even compared it to that sci-fi flick that John Travolta did a few years back (Battlefield Earth) was no where as bad as that movie! It seems like most sci-fi movies get mixed or poor reviews anyway, so I tend to ignore them. I was unfamiliar with the Aeon Flux cartoons from MTV, so the whole story was new to me. I enjoyed it. Charlize Theron did a good job and the effects were good. The concept of cloning humans is also an interesting one. I'd probably recommend the movie as a DVD rental rather than paying $10/head to see it in the theater though! :-)

That's great that you volunteer at the theater and get in free. I can't believe how expensive it is...$9.50/adult. A large popcorn and two medium pops is $14.25! And to think I thought it was expensive 20 years ago when I worked at the Everett Mall theater and the popcorn w/pops was half that. I must be getting old! LOL!!

Oh, I'd really like to see Capote. Let me know what you think of it.

Talk to ya later,
-Tif :-)

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