Cucumber Park's all season burpless hybrid???

Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

I'm thinking for buying these seeds. It'll be great to be able to pick cukes past Thanksgiving and into the holidays.
Has anyone tried to grow these? Are they really All-Season?

From Park's online catalog:

Needs no bees for pollination--grow anywhere, anytime!
Seedless, Burpless, and Super Early!
Sets more fruit than any other Cuke we've grown!

48 to 50 days. In just 7 weeks from sowing, you'll start harvesting beautiful cucumber, 8 1/2 inches long by 1 1/2 inches wide, with a sweet, crispy flavor! Completely burpless and without a trace of bitterness, they are also seedless if grown apart from other cucumber plants! The heavy-bearing vine needs no bees for pollination, so you don't have to wait till the garden gets going to start harvesting these scrumptious fruits! Strong and vigorous, these vines set more fruit than any other cuke we have ever grown--bar none! That's pretty incredible, considering the heavy-hitters we've seen over the years. Great resistance to owdery Mildew, Scab, Downy Mildew, and Cucumber Mosaic Virus.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I suspect it depends on Your season. I have not tried this one, but the all female cukes are usually heavy bearers and can handle early setting because they don't require pollinators. On the other hand, most quit after a couple of months for one reason or another like heat or disease buildup. I have never found one that would bear from June to Thanksgiving. They just can't tolerate the July - August heat in my climate..

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