Uk/Rest of World Trading Help Please!!!!

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

i just wanted to sort out how to go about trading plants and seeds with the rest of the world - is it ok to do so, or do you need a special licence or permit? I would love to trade around the world but i contected royal mail and they said no, does this cover europe too? i would love to trade with anyone in the uk if its not poss abroad so if anyone's interested just gimme a shout!

dave would there be any chance of having a uk only trading forum?


Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi, I've had no problem trading seeds with the UK and Ireland (plus most of Europe). I think it's the plants they don"t allow. Doris

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

doris is that just the uk and europe or the usa too?


Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

I don't really know though I am sure you can trade plants and seeds with Ireland. The U.S. as far as I know does'nt allow plants. I did receive some bulbs from a member in the Netherlands, Customs had opened the package and sealed it up after stamping ok by the department of agriculture, but I did get them. You will be hearing from other members right away who have had more experience with overseas trading. There is an International trading forum here on Daves. You may get more information from them and I'm sure you will hear from our Canadian neighbors, they still have a tie with you, I beleive so they may have different regulations about trading with the UK. Doris

Ladysmith, BC(Zone 8a)

I am in Canada, and seeds are OK to trade. It is plants that every country gets excited about. If you are trying to ship plants you must state on the outside 'bare rooted plants' and make sure you have washed off EVERY scrap of soil. (It is the soil that harbours the nasties).

Australia will NOT allow ANYTHING into its country. If you send seeds they will confiscate them and if you send plants the recipient will be in jail for ever! My sister & brother were absolutely paranoid when I sent them some seeds a couple of years ago.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Gardendragon, Do you think it worth a try to send some miniature zinnias to England, if I washed all the soil off? Would they still be alive after 5 or 6 days travel wrapped only on wet paper towels and newspapers? I promised someone seeds, but if I could send a plant or two sounds like fun! Doris

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hi Lilith! I generally have a few seeds to spare, early autumn. Fairly ordinary ones though. This year I'm hoping for foxgloves, nasturtiums, opium poppies and a few others. I'm not to sure what to do with my perennials - I generally deadhead them. This year I'll have to try letting a few go to seed. I have Honesty seeds ripening at the moment.

Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom

Hi Lilith, im in Norfolk, UK, i'd love to do some plant swaps with you if your interested

Email me if you like

Daisy Chain


I regularly send and recieve plants with the Republic of Ireland and the UK with no problems (I'm in southern England). As others have said wash all the soil off where ever you are trading to, not only will the plants be clean, the postage is less too. I don't send plants outside Europe as insect eggs (remember the fuss about colarado beetle in the late 70's? Well the darn thing is back again) and diseases can be harboured on them. Austrailia has such a sensitive and unique environment they can't afford anything to take over any more than alien plants and animals have done already.

I've sent seeds as far as Singapore, Brazil and also regularly trade throughout Europe Canada and the USA. On occasion, customs will open the package and may throw the seeds away/keep them for months on end or OK them. Plant trading is something I tend to keep to Europe though, UK and Ureland preferably. You do not need a special licence just good packaging (jiffy type envelopes and lots of bubble wrap and both your correct address and the recipients).

I personally think we don't need a UK only trading forum as we have this one. I currently have a trade post in the seed trading forum if your interested.

Biel, Switzerland(Zone 7a)

Hi Lilith,
I have traded regularly with the U.K and Ireland without problems.I have also received plants and seeds from the Azores,Finland,Holland,and the U.S. I did try to send some cuttings to Australia last year,and yes they are very srtict!! I would love to trade with you,but I must tell you my garden isn't really full of Swiss plants at the moment...want Tropicals?

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

I have received seeds and plants from Europe, US and Canada with no problem.


Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Thank you all for your help! northerner and daisychain, i'd love to trade with you and gwist, some tropicals sound great! i'll e-mail you all to get your details! I think trading at the end of the season would be a better idea as i'd have more to trade!


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