Tufa , crete and other news links

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Found this on Google about an upcoming tufa workshop.
I removed the private email links up top

......................Sep 17, 7:41 am show options

Newsgroups: rec.arts.bonsai
Date: 17 Sep 2005 05:41:07 -0700
Subject: [IBC] Not So Quiet

Actually, things are busy in upstate NY. We here in Syracuse are getting
ready for our annual show next week at Liverpool Public Library. I will be
shilling for it on TV next Monday. I am frantically pruning & picking at my trees.
Unfortunately, the Mohawk-Hudson show (Albany) is the same weekend. I hope we
coordinate better next year.
Most of my thread grafts seem to be taking well. There is one on the Arakawa
that I will probably have to redo, but the tree is growing some extra branches
in preparation. The stone pine is very slow but taking shape. I only lost one
tree strictly to the heat, Tsuga canadensis 'Minuta,' but that was no
surprise. Ruined a couple with stupidity, as usual. Eastern white pine looks good,
but very little back budding. Hally Jolivette is a jungle.
Still looking for someone who has actually used Betula pendula 'Trost's
Dwarf' as a bonsai. Mine, still in the ground, (as hinted in the catalogs) doesn't
look like a birch. It looks like a thread-leaf Japanese maple with a bad hair
Looking forward to ABS Saratoga. It is a treat to have a big convention close
The new Mohawk Valley club in Utica is off and running. They have a full
slate of officers, a newsletter, & plenty of talent.
Bonsai Club/Broome County (Binghamton) is also very active. They are planning
a hypertufa workshop in October.
Contact Bob Saar, JALS...@aol.com.

This message was edited Sep 17, 2005 12:11 PM

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