Weight Loss Challange Sept. 17-24

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

All are welcome to join at any time. We have no set beginnings or ends to the challange because most of us will always be fighting this battle of the bulges where we shouldn't have them. I do start a new thread each week, usually sometime Saturday morning.

Anna_z is probably the leanest of us all as she is in competitions that require a lean well sculpted(?) body. Vic is our mountain walker. SandraB is our cyclist in Ireland and other european countries. Pebbles is in Turkey and coming back to the states in a year or so we hope. She is struggling with motivation which I can understand all too well. Darius has many health problems which limit her ability to exercise much but she sure is an encourager and weath of information on health topics. Kim and Howie are our biggest losers. The rest of us just try to watch what we eat, how much of it we eat, do as much exercising as our individual bodies will allow, and go from there. We all need the support system this forum offers to all who wish to join in. We do have some new members to the family so hopefully it will continue to grow. Oh, yes, Marilyn is our dancer. Her husband made them a special type of dance exercise pad thing that sounds wonderful.

I read your blog last night, Kim. I'm so thrilled for Howie. I pray fervently that this is the answer to his back problems and pain. I know GOD will lead the doctors in what to do. We need to hold them up in prayer also for guidance.

We had 125 at the cafe' last night. I had not prepared enough potatoes for that many as we had been only doing about 88-95 the past few weeks leaving us with lots of extras. I really hadn't cut back but a couple or 3 each on bakers and mashed but with that many people and lower temps outside the demand for those 2 kinds of potatoes soared. We close at 8 but last night about 8 people came in at about 10 minutes to 8 and ordered steaks, etc. They didn't leave until 9 which gave me time to get lots of dishes washed. All the other help had long since left and there was just me and the older lady owner. We left within minutes of when the last customer did. Kyle had sent me with money for just catfish that we specialize in on Friday nights so it was nearly cold when he finally got it at 10 last night. He was eating it with gusto tho when I left their house after delivering it.

I am tired but need to go do some planting of iris I have gotten in the mail from lovely DG folks. They are in temporary quarters right now but need to go to their permenant places of residence.

We finally found the CD to the Intel camera. It was at Kyle and Holly's. Jack tried to use it yesterday to download the pictures on it. It isn't compatable with our XP system! Intel no longer supports camera-as of '02. I found a nice Kodak Easy Share CX7530 complete with docking port/printer on ebay so we bought that and it is on the way as soon as they get the money order. I found the camera alone at WalMart for what we paid for the whole thing including a tripod and camera bag for it. We'll probably go by after church tomorrow so Jack can actually see what we have gotten for much less. So much for WalMart being the cheapest place to shop! Of course we do have some shipping charges but not as much as the docking port/printer would cost at WalMart I'm sure.

GOD bless and help each of us. Remember that we are not on diets, but really learning to eat and exercise in more healthy ways. Diets have ends. Healthful lifestyle eating is for your lifetime on this earth.

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