Something to play with

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

A Hayter Harrier 41. That's a petrol mower. I've had someone mowing my lawn for a while, which was probably useful when I was doing a lot of work replanting the borders. Chappie I had was starting to overcharge so I gave him the heave last week and went out and chose myself a new mower. My old electric mower used to take me ages. Took the petrol mower round this morning, finished in half the time.
Now I'll look for something to keep the edges trim. Strimmer? Any other gadgets on the market?

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

northerner - i find the edge trimmers you use by hand are the best as you can spot weeds when you're going round! very useful in my garden, loads of groundsel, buttercups and chickweed!


Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hi Lilith! I already have a pair of hand-shears. I'm certain they're the best device for a really tidy edge. But it's time-consuming. I have 4 lawns, that's 4 sets of edging. I was thinking of something a bit faster than hand-shears, strimmers maybe. But I've a feeling there are a few other devices around. Not urgent, I can continue with the hand-shears. A neighbour lent me strimmers - not as tidy as hand-shears but faster.

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

wow northerner, thats a lot of trimming... you must have a huuuge garden! i thought mine was large as its mainly a front garden! we've got a strimmer too, but its broken and need my bf to fix it :( .... might be fixed by next summer!


Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hi Lil! Yes, my neighbours do say it's a big garden. I would say medium sized. Three of the lawns are fairly samll. It's a corner house so the other lawn is a long one that stretches down the side of the house. It's just a semi, nothing special. I'm hoping that my gardening expenses are over for a while now. Got some more seeds I want to put in, hardy annuals, just so I have something fresh for late summer. The young perennials are all fairly samll at the moment so a few annuals are useful for filling the gaps. I should have a lot less work next year hopefully. I start my M.Sc in late September so I want the garden to be at maintenance level for a while. I'm relieved this mower is good.

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