Acer saccharum project... idea brainstorm

Portland, ME

I am a 1st year horticulture student in Maine. My first class... Botany. Our teacher gave us our guidlines for our big project at the end of the semester. It is pretty wide open. Basically using the scientific method come up with a question, research, construct, conduct and report on an experiment. Experiment must have minimum of 10 replicates.

WHat I need help on is developing my question in a more educated manner.

My interest is Acer saccharum... I planted 2 in my front yard 3 years ago and my wife and I absolutely love them. I thought about some type of survival of the fittest between the sugar maple and the Norway Maple... Invasive here in Maine. But i am not sure how that would work out. I have tried doing some research involving anything dealing with the sugar maple, but am stuck.

Does anyone have any ideas on a project/experiment I can construct for my botany class?

This message was edited Sep 18, 2005 4:33 PM

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Hi Steve, Is A. saccharum a species with fast growth, good germination, grows well in freshly disturbed areas? I know there are variations between the northern and southern forms of A. saccharum. Out west they aren't so happy. Do the seed have a better way of distributing in Norway Maple and does it have a high germination rate? I've found with our local invasives, Holly, Blackberry, Daphne - they all have much better ways of spreading and excellent seed germination. Birds seem to do most of the job. I guess I'd look at the mechanism of distribution and requirements for good growth.

On another thread a few were saying Mimosa (Albizia julibrissin) was very invasive and not recommended but here it does not get the required heat to set seed well so it is considered a very desireable tree. I'm sure you'll figure out the reasons for the difference in your experiment/project.

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