De-Anting/De-Bugging Cut Flowers

Lawrence, KS

It's a bit late in the year for this question, but while I'm thinking of it . . .

I love delivering bouquets to my friends and otherwise sharing my annuals in any creative way I can imagine. I usually figure an ant or two left on the flowers won't offend anyone. But a few weeks ago I decided to decorate a friend's birthday cake with sunflowers, and thought I should make a better effort to remove any lingering critters. What a pain! I'm sure I ended up missing some (though I imagine they died sugar-sated and happy!). German-chocolate ants---YUM!

Any ideas for de-anting/de-bugging cut flowers?

Thumbnail by egiap
Southeast, NE(Zone 5a)

Anything that beautiful shouldn't be eaten anyway. Wow! I can't help with your question, but I sure do admire that cake!

Lawrence, KS

Thank you! I was hoping the flowers would distract from the fact that the cake was from a mix and the icing from a can (shhhh!).

(Zone 1)

Probably one you have done but Dunk them in water. Doesnt Guarentee but is one of the easiest and doesnt Damage most flowers. Just dunk them and leave them under for a few minutes. Move them around it gently. Some can handle a bit more movement in the water and some fragile flowers can't take any. Also some flowers wont appreciate being dunked. I never dunk Sweet Peas but always dunk my Zinnias and Roses. I dont really know any other tips that wouldnt damage the flowers. Hope that helps.

(Zone 7a)

I put a small amount of clorox into a spackling bucket filled 3/4 of the way with water and then swish cut flowers upside down in that - works very well with dahlias. I wouldn't do it with something as delicate as poppies, though.

I have a very mortifying memory from my office days when I didn't do this. Well. I'm still laughing. What a ruckus over such a tiny bug. heehee

Union Grove, AL

If you cut your flowers early in the morning, and place them in tall buckets, I, use cans, of warm water they will temper and last longer, i do this outside on the porch and most of the ctitters flee, if ya put a little soap in the water ants drown as well.

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