Maypop seed saving

Huntsville, AL(Zone 7b)

My wife was wondering if anyone knows how to save seeds for maypops. I got this from PlantFiles;

Remove fleshy coating on seeds before storing
Allow unblemished fruit to ripen; clean and dry seeds
Unblemished fruit must be significantly overripe before harvesting seed; clean and dry seeds

We'd like to know:
How do you go about removing the fleshy coating?
Can you pick the fruit green and let ripen, or do they have to ripen on the vine, and does ripe mean yellow?

Any help or advice would be appreciated

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

Are you talking about these?

Huntsville, AL(Zone 7b)

Nope, Maypop, this one;

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

I let mine dry on the vine,they sort of dried up and the seeds fell out when I crushed the shell of the seeds in my hand.Not the same kind of passion vine,but still a passion vine non the less.Hope that helps,Jody

Huntsville, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the reply. We tried to leave them on the vines last year, but found we have some kind of "critters ", that must be crazy about them. When they just start to get a tinge of yellow on them they'll disappear overnight.

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

I'd collect them at the yellow stage then.:-)

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

This is a bit late...I'm just finding this.

When I remove the fleshy coating on seeds...(tomato,cucumber..etc.) I ferment the seeds to get the gel covering off. It removes a germination inhibitor that surrounds the seeds and makes them easier to handle.

Just scrape the pulp into a cup and add a bit of water (no more than equal to the amount of gel) let stand uncovered for a few days (usually about 5 to 7) a thick mat of moldy gunk will form and gnats will show up...sometimes it stinks) Anyway, after your mold forms, dump the mess into a strainer and rinse your seeds till they are clean. spread on a plate and dry them.

I know it's late...but this way you'll be ready the next time.

Huntsville, AL(Zone 7b)

Thanks. I'll try that method.

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