Fooling mother nature. . .

Lake Villa, IL(Zone 5a)

Does anyone have an idea for a temporary green house. I'm experimenting on zone fooling a few plants and am planting in the ground. I'm in zone 5 and they want zone 4. I'm trying chicken wire and leaves but wanted to know if anyone had any other suggestions?

Thanks to any who can help.


Bloomingdale, NY(Zone 4a)

I'm extending my zone 4a season to keep the tomatoes & peppers going and to get an eggplant harvest.

I've planted in raised beds and covered them with temp "greenhouses" made of 1x3 furring strips and bubble wrap covering. I nailed pairs of 1x3's 5'-6" long together with a single nail at the ends to act as a hinge. When the arms are spread out, it forms a small notch at the top where I nailed a ridge of 2x2 rough cut. I laid 6' wide sheets of heavy bubblewrap with the seams over it and nailed another strip on top of the ridge to hold it down. Wrapped the lower edges around more scrap and tacked it to the arms. The plastic was wrapped around the open ends and taped shut at night when frost threatens. Making a couple of these took about 45 minutes.

I kept the ridge as low as possible (I can't go inside them) and spread the furring strips to cover as much soil area as possible since the soil is what stores heat and radiates it back at night. After the first, early period of frost past, I un-nailed one side and flipped it over the ridge so one side is open until needed.

I don't think I can "fool" Ma Nature; I can't make the days longer to truly extend the growing season for example, but I'm extending the harvesting season with these simple plastic tents. As usually happens here, an early killing frost is often followed by a period of temperate weather.


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