My First Butterfly Pea Vine

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

This is the first time I've grown this vine. Flowers are kinda pretty. Maybe I'll see if I can get other colors . . . keep them in pots in the front yard (gotta keep room for the JMG's in the back!).

Thumbnail by Nicholejean
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Here's the pic from a few days ago . .

Thumbnail by Nicholejean
San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Here's the pic I took this am . . . had to go out and retake - the humidity fogged up the camera!

Thumbnail by Nicholejean

Nice photos, Nichole! Nice effect with the foggy lens!


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

One of my very favorite vines...
It should come back from the ground in your zone, and get bigger and more beautiful and productive,each year.

Bees love them, and are their best pollinator.

When dozens of these large blooms are blooming at once, it is gorgeous!

Augusta, WV(Zone 5b)

Nicholejean - if you get any seeds for that vine I'd be interested in working out a swap with you, hint-hint :)
nice photo!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I'd be happy to save some seeds for you! I just have to figure out how to collect them, etc. Like I said, this is the first time I've grown these.


Augusta, WV(Zone 5b)

Nicholejean we'd love seeds if you get any. The year we grew them we had several seed pods and they looked like Lima beans in shape, but they succombed to some type of fungus which made the pods fall off premature. Sadly to say we didn't get any seeds and have since been looking for more. The seed pods get easily covered by the foliage and blend right in. Lift up the branches gently and look underneath maybe you can see them. I sometimes lie on my back and look up because moving the branches around could knock some flower buds off early. Should have pods forming after every flower though. Thanks for the offer of the seeds!

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Me too for seeds if you have enough to share.
I am going to plant as many different types next year that I can get my hands on. I have a naitve growing in my back alley that is very pretty. Booms are Pink and quite small.
I have the name, but need to look it up.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Are you refering to the "trailing fuzzy bean"?

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Taylor,
Mine, Yours, or Nichole's?
Want ANY seeds that I can get of this species.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Emma- I was referring to your comment:

I have a naitve growing in my back alley that is very pretty. Booms are Pink and quite small.

...and was asking if you were referring to "trailing fuzzy bean" as your wild small pink one...

I had the trailing fuzzy bean growing in my garden, and had to rip it proved to be an invasive critter and I did not want it dropping seeds all over the place giving me headaches next year.

Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Taylor,
I missed that step. I didn't know the common name was 'Trailing Fuzzy Bean' - thanks!
I checked my notes for the proper name that you helped me ID on this Thread

Strophostyles helvula

AND, I now have oodles of seeds if anyone would like any.
This is the one with the 'very small' blooms that turn Yellow as they mature.

Also, I am hoping to collect as many species as I can to grow this next year. Also, need to study up on germination.
How do you start yours?
Reason I'm wondering is the Strophostyles growing in my alley do re-seed freely, and it would seem they might need a little bit of 'cold treatment' to germinate - as this is what nature does for the seeds that I now have that come back every year.


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I'll be happy to share whatever seeds I get from these - IF I ever see the little lima bean that Dennis was talking about. I've started going out every day to look . . . but it may be too early!


Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

You will see the bean FOR SURE.
However, just be sure to wait until they are brown and dry to collect.
On mine, if you don't get them soon enough, they will pop on their own and SCATTER everywhere. No way will you find them then.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Good question on the strophostyles...
...I didn't plant mine, the birdies did! lol...I'll have to ask them, lol!!

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