My first attempt at making a mixed pot

Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

This is the first time that I've tried to put different plants together in one container. I wanted a color echo but with different heights. I used the Polka dot plants in the back for the pink spots that are on the leaves but just discovered today that they also produce small, purplish pink flowers that match the color of the Siam Tulip and the Moses in a Boat. I hope that these plants will do well together.

Thumbnail by Quyen
Mirpur (A.K), Pakistan(Zone 9b)

Beautiful combination.

Emmaus, PA(Zone 6a)

Very pretty!!!
I, too have started some combination plant containers..... seems that most plants that i have chosen basically require the same needs. Its just so much simpler having the plants all together in one pot.... and besides... it lets me get even MORE varieties of plants... and MORE containers to place them in!

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)


East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

that is so good looking

Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

That is absolutely beautiful! I'm jealous...

So you have pink polka dot plants, and a variegated Moses in the Cradle, but what are the others? I'd love to do the same thing. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all. ;)


Oakland, OR(Zone 8a)

Very nice indeed. You are very creative. Will look forward to your future combinations. Dotti

Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

Thank you all for the encouraging words. I'm very new at all this so it takes me a while to come up with something. I'm working on a coleus combination. Haven't been able to get all the colors and textures that I want, yet. Will keep you posted.

Kelly, you are too kind. I put in Siam Tulip, Pink Calla Lily, Moses in a cradle, Pink Polka-dot plant, and a ground cover (I forget the name) that's sort of mossy with white, star-shaped flowers. There was a thread by someone named tomtom (or something like that) and he has the most beautiful containers and hanging baskets. He even has a website where he posts all the pictures of his works of art. I can't find it right now but will post a link when I do. I would like to imitate his combinations.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

I luv it Quyen! Looks awesom!!
:) Donna

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Lovely arrangement!

ps, TomTom is a woman, I think.

Orange, CA(Zone 10b)

Oops, sorry. I should have known... if a double negative makes a positive, then a tom tom makes her NOT a Tom. LOL....

(Please pardon my silliness. Had a grueling day and am feeling a bit light headed).

Edited to add link.
I found tomtom's homepage.

This message was edited Sep 16, 2005 2:07 AM

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