The Sweet Autumn Clematis corner.....
The Sweet Autumn Clematis corner.....
Would you be willing to help collect votes for a seperate clematis forum? So many clematis posts go unacknowledged here.
Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, what is the age of your vine?
One season, dear Kaleem! I bought it as a 12 inch gallon pot in spring, planted it, and voila! =) Obviously, it LOVES its spot! In amongst azaleas, roses, hosta and talinum. The fence is north-facing on the west side of the house. PERFECT conditions.
I'm so tempted to sit in that chair! Lovely setting!
Only in a season.... wow....this mean I will have bloom this year, two months back JannetS sent me two plants one is small and other is two meter long....may be...may be ....the bigger one will bloom like yours.
Beautiful!! The fragrance is incredible isn't it!!