Mascagnia macroptera - Yellow orchid vine, harvest seeds?

Nokomis, FL

My yellow orchid vine has bloomed and made the tan seed pods (much smaller than in the pictures on Plantfiles, though). But I can't figure out how to get the seed out of the flat pod. One post in Plantfiles said pry the pod apart with thumb nail, but that proved quite impossible on my pods. They're hard and won't come apart. How do I get at the seed, or do I just plant the whole flat pod? Thanks.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

The seed should be inside the "belly", or "body" section of the "butterfly".
Not all pods have fully developed seeds. Usually the largest pods are most reliable for seeds, and the smallest ones are usually empty, or the half developed, or shriveled seed inside, isn't worth tearing the pod.

A lot of people like to paint the pods or use them in crafts.

Once you open a few, you'll see what I mean. I've opened enough to know which ones are worth opening, and which ones are best saved for crafts.

When you do recover the seeds, they are somewhat fussy about germinating. Press into warm moist soil, but be really careful about not presoaking, or giving them too much water. They rot easily.

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