Watermelon Seed offer.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I have saved seeds form Scaley Bark grown in isolation. I will share seed with those willing, able and interested in perpetuating an ancient cultivar that is no longer commecially available. Note that even in Burpee's 1888 catalog, it was listed as inferior to recently introduced cultivars, I agree that its cutting qualities are behind 20 th century introductions, but I find that true of most 19th century releases.


Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

FD, if you think it would do OK down here, I'd be glad to try it and to perpetuate it. Just let me know when the best time to plant would be - winter, spring or summer. Also, can you tell us a little more on what it looks like, its taste and its growing requirements? Thanks,


Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I began planting around the first of April, expect you would plant late January or February. There used to be quite a few growers in Florida, but they are probably further north in central Florida. This is a pretty standard melon. no special treatment required. Tastewise, it is not the greatest, something like a real Georgia Rattlesnake. I hate to use that comparison because many vendors are selling the middleaged Garrisonian as the Rattlesnake and it cuts better. Kolb's Gem is another with similar taste.

Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

Well, it sounds good to me. Let me know how we might get a few seeds down here. My address is available here at DG.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

I am not in the address exchange, so you will have to D-mail your snail mail address.

Louisville, KY

I would love to get some seed to share with several of our Appalachian Heirloom Seed Conservancy folks who have farms and have extra growing space. They would then grow and save seed to share with other members of the group to keep this variety available. In fact I will see many of these folk next month when they meet for a weekend Fall Conference in Berea, Kenbtucky at the Sustainable Mountain Agriculture Center.
Thank you for your kind offer.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

If there are any left, i would like some. i have two friends besides myself who can grow in isolation.

Miami, FL(Zone 10b)

FD - received the packet of seeds yesterday. Thanks a lot. Also, I have a few friends interested that I will give some seeds to. Will keep you posted on their progress after they're planted . Flip

Victorville, CA

This is great! I think this is one of the best features of this site. People who care about the preservation of the old heirloom plants/veggies. I mean really care enough to split it up and spread it out all over the US to make sure it survives and passing it on. Thank you guys!

Burlington, MA(Zone 6a)

FD - I would love to grow and perpetuate them here in Massachusetts. How long is the grow season needs. I'd probably would have to start them indoors in plugs in order to transplant without hurting there root growth. I can SASE or mail you my address.

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Address is all that is necessary. It has about the same growing requirements as Crimson Sweet ( Midseason). They use to grow them around the Boston area in the late 1800's according to Burpee.

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