bauhinia tree and vine help

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i went out yesterday to try to work in the garden after i had a tragedy ( pet forum) and noticed my vine and tree have been almost sawed to the ground by ants. and a trail of ants taking the pieces off with them.

will either of them come back?? i dont have any seeds left for either one so i am hoping some one will say they will be okay??

and the bad thing was it was the top section of the tree.

thanks for the help. Marie

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I haven't read the pet forum, but I hope nothing is seriously wrong with your pet. My pets are like my children, to me.

As for your tree and vine, I wouldn't worry too much. I've had both come back from the ground. It makes the tree multibranched, but I like that look. The vine comes back just fine, if it doesn't get too wet in winter. You may just want to put a little mulch on top of them, and try not to water during the winter.

As for the ants! I don't know what kind of ants those are, but you may want to call a service to come treat them, to get rid of them! They sound very destructive, and you wouldn't want them to start chewing on your house!

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

the ants here are harvesting as its getting cold. called the ex agency and they said they werent harmful to the houses or things.

they are like medium sized ants reddish colored and never seem to bother any of my plants except during the fall months. the only other plant i have ever seen them bother was my mini ginger plant.

they live arond the pine trees here throughout the state.

just never thought of them going after my bauhinias. the vine is what i am concerned about as seems no ones has the vine too much.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I think your vine will recover. If it can recover from freezing to the ground, it can recover from being chewed on.
If it doesn't for some reason, let me know. I think I have a spare seed or two, for one...

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