A bad hailstorm just took out my garden. :(

Richfield, UT(Zone 5b)

Well we had a nice big thunder bumper move through here two days ago and with it came a lot of hail and rain. I was shocked to go out after it passed and see all the leaves on the ground from the trees and all my shredded plants (perennials). As I walked around the house to the garden I was sad to see what was left of it. All those huge squash leaves were GONE! Only the stems of them remain...I can now see all the squash that have been growing but will they just rot now that all the leaves are gone? All my tomatoes I have been waiting on forever are now all bruised looking and yucky with most the leaves ripped or missing. Boy the things mother nature can throw at us. At least my potatoes are ok as they are underground. :)

Do you think the winter squash will survive?

This message was edited Sep 5, 2005 3:25 PM

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh, that is discouraging! If you think the sunlight might be strong enough to shrivel the squash (that probably would happen here) you could rig some small pieces of shade cloth or something similar (old dish towels are good - lets light through but cuts down the intensity) over the individual fruits. They probably will go on to maturity. Good luck!

Palmyra, IL(Zone 5b)

I recommend shade too.I think you'll be surprized how fast they recover.Hugs to you and your garden,Jody

Culpeper, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh you poor thing - how devastating!!

But agree with the above posters that you may very well be surprised at the resiliency of your plants. Just continue tending them & I think in a few days you'll see many, if not all, start springing back.

Will keep my fingers crossed for you!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Boohoohoo!! I know how you feel. My gardens are like my kids, when they hurt, I hurt. I agree, shade them, tend them, and they will probably come back. Keep us posted.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oh, NO! I hope your plants bounce back. Since it's toward the end of the season, and they've had plenty of time to store energy in their roots, I'm guessing the perennials will come up just fine next spring.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

I know how you feel. I had just finished all my annual spring plantings in the gardens and in about 25 containers on Memorial Day. Next day, as I was enjoying my efforts, a raging hail storm followed an hour later by terrific wind and rain undid all I'd done. You have my sympathy.


Richfield, UT(Zone 5b)

Thank you. I will try shade cloth and see what happens. Sure hope they pull through.....so far no new leaves have started to show so I wonder if it is just to late in the season. Hope not.

Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Can't wait for an update! I'm keeping EVERYTHING crosed for you!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Even if new leaves don't show on the perennials this fall, I'm guessing they'll come back just fine in the spring. I know that doesn't help with regard to the squash & tomatoes in your veggie bed, but it's something.

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