Clematis update

Chicago, IL

An addition to my previous thread, which is no longer interesting to anyone . . .
I wanted to document the development the first year . . . pics from this morning. We'll see how many I can stay awake for, uploading at a blazing 40k.

Most recent first bloom:

Hagley Hybrid:

Thumbnail by hoa_rd
Chicago, IL

Integrifolia Arabella (the lighter one) and Jan Lindmark (the darker one) continue to bloom:
(correction-- all 3 are Arabella-- Jan Lindmark had not bloomed yet at this point-- it turned out to have small, dark purple cup-shaped flowers that hang upside-down exactly as pictured on the tag.
Will tryto get a pic if anyone cares.

This message was edited Sep 8, 2005 1:25 PM

Thumbnail by hoa_rd
Chicago, IL

Nelly Moser gaveme one first wonderful bloom as previously posted, took a break, and is now blooming again:

Thumbnail by hoa_rd
Chicago, IL

Belle of Woking really not doing much (it's the plain leafed plant on the left, in the same pot with tibetana):

Thumbnail by hoa_rd
Chicago, IL

Tibetana all over the place, but still no blooms:

Thumbnail by hoa_rd
Chicago, IL

This message was edited Sep 4, 2005 2:23 AM

Chicago, IL

Jouiana looking as happy as a plant can look (do these bloom?)

Chicago, IL

Oops-- must be tired . . .
Jouiana looking as happy as a plant can look (do these bloom?)

Thumbnail by hoa_rd
Chicago, IL

Sweet Autumn doing it's thing (no buds yet)

Thumbnail by hoa_rd
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, hoard--just found this thread and went back to your old one too...can't believe you bought 23 clematis this year!? Hope you had good luck with all of them just as the ones above seem to have had!

I purchased just four this summer from local nurseries and must have planted them in bad spots or didn't water them enough because two seem to be gone....this kills me!

Are you going to bring yours in for the winter? Or put them into the ground with mulch?

Next summer your 'baker's rack' will be overflowing with bloom. Can't wait to see it. t.

Mesilla Park, NM

This is the first year with several of mine. They do look alot like yours and some just quit growing.

Thanks for posting the photos.. will go check out your other post. I am looking forward to seeing more clematis photos too. The Sweet Autumn here is starting to bloom, but I made a big booboo and cut some of it down BEFORE it bloomed, so will not have as many flowers.

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)


Many of the people don't post alot or make comments, but they enjoy reading the threads and learn from them. I am one of those people. I remember your first thread on the new babies you acquired and have been waiting for you to give us an update when you were ready.

You must be doing something right, cause some clemitis are very fussy and hard to grow. Many of the ones you have above are new to me and I will look forward to seeing more pictures as they grow.

Thank you for sharing your updated plants with us. :-)


Springville, AL(Zone 7a)

TABASCO.... give them a little time...I planted one and it died but the next came back and is better than ever!!

Chicago, IL

Thanks for the nice words!
In a rush right now, but I wanted to say I'll get some pics when I get home-- got my first big beautiful John Paul II bloom right now.
Yeah I have been very lucky I think. I've lost two, and in each case I had two like plants in a pot and one somehow poisoned the other . . .
Still every variety I ordered represented at least once though.
I do plan to keep them in pots until Spring at least, maybe in the garage . . . they're OK to cut way back, right?
See yaz,

Huntington Beach, CA(Zone 10a)


I'm not an experienced Clematis grower, so can't help you too much. What I do know is that each clematis is considered a different type, and each type is cut back differently. I hope someone else who is into Clematis can jump in here and give you more inforamtion.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Here's an article about how to grow clematis in containers...talks about overwintering...
and I think the Polish know Clematis!

(You have to scroll down to the last line of the first paragraph and click on "examples of applications" then look for "container" information...) I found a lot of good detailed information on this site.

For quick general info I use the Ohio State Extension info

It talks a little about the pruning groups 1, 2, and 3. (I think basically Light, Medium and Hard.) The thing is, you have to figure out which group yours are in! I find this totally confusing!

Maybe that's why mine died. Although, I did find out while looking up info that Rabbits love them, and I think that's what happened to mine. But I am ever hopeful and just gave mine a spade full of mushroom compost today to encourage them to hang on!

I love all your pics and good advice everyone! Thanks. t.

This message was edited Sep 12, 2005 4:14 PM

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

yes, people are interested in old threads, maybe some are like me, too lazy to type a comment or just not knowledgeable enough to add a comment. we care, I tell you, we care. LOL

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

voss, do you have clematis, too? You grow everything!

Chicago, IL

Here's John Paul II. One bloom. It's very big, easily more than 3 inches across.
It was about 3 feet over my head . . .
I see no other buds but it would be glorious to have 6 or 8 of these in bloom at once.

Thumbnail by hoa_rd
Chicago, IL

Here's Jan Lindmark (the bell-like flowers) and Integrefolia Arabela (the brighter ones) as of this evening. Another bud off to the right-- I think it's one of the vareties that hasn't bloomed yet:

Thumbnail by hoa_rd

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