Evergreen Wisteria.....Is It Really Evergeen?

Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

Have a couple of evergreen wisterias that I'm planning on putting on an arbor. The garden shop says they're evergreen but my Southern Living book says deciduous in my zone. Which is it? I live in the FL Panhandle 15 miles east of Destin. It's not supposed to be invasive like most wisteria. Any suggestions on an alternative for the arbor? I love Confederate Jasmine, but I already have a good bit of that so I don't want to "overdo" the front yard as you enter. All help is appreciated!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I have both the evergreen wisteria and the confederate jasmine. I am also in the exact same zone as you...
I can tell you that mine are both evergreen for the most part, but are deciduous in January and February. March they foilate again, and don't lose leaves until January...

In general I refer to them as evergreen, but technically, they are deciduous, since two months of twelve, they lose their leaves...

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

mine dont stay green all year but when spring comes perk up once agian.

they lose their leaves here but come back each time. our local zoos loses their leaves too and theirs is huge.

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