Sweet Autumn Clematis

Rockford, IL

I planted a sweet autumn clematis this summer. When should I expect to see flowers--I live in northern Illinois? Or do they even flower the first year? Cathy

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Oh, yes........they flower the first year. This is my vine's first season in the garden (bought it f/Calloway's in the spring as a small plant), and it's COVERED in blossoms........it's amazing.

Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

Those of mine that have climbed into the trees are blooming now. The one along the fence is about to open all at once tomorrow or the next day. I plan on posting a thread here soon with pictures.

Rockford, IL

I guess I'll just have to be more patient. I look forward to seeing some pictures. Thanks for the feedback! Cathy

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

I got a tiny one on ebay early this spring. It's nice and green but hasn't grown much at all, in fact I've been a little disappointed in it. Now that I know it should have bloomed this year I'm really disappointed ...lol

But I have tried clematis several times and they have just never done that well for me. I have very sandy soil if that has anything to do with it. I had bought the sweet autumn thinking it would be easier for me to grow then the one's I had tried before....

~Julie =0/

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Jab, I planted mine in a north-facing bed, along w/roses, hosta, azaleas and camellia (to give you an idea of the lighting). The bed has late afternoon shade, since it's up against a wooden fence. The soil is amended with acid fert. and kept moist. I read that the clematis likes to have cool roots, and full-sun up top. So, I planted oxalis right up against the roots to shelter & cool them.

Best of luck!

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

I've been giving it a miracid feeding and it gets afternoon sun. I was worried it would be too much sun to be honest and I do have it planted so the bottom portion is shaded. Once side is against a pc of driftwood that is against a birdfeeder pole, the other side is protected by foliage from coreopsis plants.

Maybe next year it will have more pep. Like I said it was pretty small and straggley looking when I got it.

Thanks for the info !!!

~Julie =0)

Chicago, IL

Chicago here.
Mine were purchased 6/05, have gone predictably crazy, but I don't see a hint of a bud anywhere. Thise shiny green files sure like to hang out on them though.
The good news is that my Hagley Hybrid opened it's very first bloom today, and my Nelly Moser is about to rebloom.

One of my Bees Jubilee just up and died. The same thing happened with the other Hagley Hybrid. The thing they have in common is that both were two like plants sharing a pot. I wonder if there's some trigger that causes one to live and one to die.

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